Rosy Barb Has A Growth/abscess


Feb 8, 2015
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So, one of my rosy barbs has a growth with a white head to it. Wondering if it is an abscess, or if it might be a parasite of some's some pics.



Water parameters are good. Fish is acting normal otherwise, eating/foraging well.
Growth that suddenly appear are usually bacterial.
is the growth on the top of the skin?
Does the growth have a circling of dead tissue around the edges.
Does the growth have any pink, or red colouration.
Make sure the growth is just on top of the skin and not also below forming a lump.
I can't really tell if it's on top of or under the skin, looks under to me. Tissue around it seems normal enough.
If you can isolate the fish I would medicate with Maracyn Plus, Tetracycline, 
You need an antibiotic. Don't use in main tank as it will wipe your good bacteria out in your filter.
If you don't want to take that course just keep an eye on the fish and if it starts to get worse you
need to isolate him.
For now just preform a few daily water changes.
Good Luck.
Sorry had to rush off to answer the door for a package.
If he acting normal I would see if water changes make a difference for now.
If he acting sluggish and not interested in anything you need to use a antibiotic.
Once fish go down hill it hard to get them better.
Bumps with a white head can be bacterial.
Keep a close eye on your other fish for any changes in appearance or changes
in activity.

Some info for you.
It is reddened today, I'm guessing bacterial as well now. I can't catch the little bother to save my life, but I will try again in a bit. 
Thanks a ton for the link! It was very informative!
Bless Him.
No need to tell me about catching fast fish. LOL.
Good Luck.
Just wanted to seems to have cleared up on it's own. The fish seemed irritated and was doing a decent bit of flashing on the side of the sore, so I am assuming it had opened at that point or something...though it never looked any different to me. But, it looks much better now, and the swelling is decreasing by the day.

Good old water changes!
That good news. Bless Him.
If it's burst preform a water change as it can infect the tank water.
Thank you for the update.

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