rosy barb can't having trouble "sinking"


New Member
Sep 10, 2003
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I have a ten gallon tank with three rasbora tetras, two red blue columbian tetras, two rosy barbs and a plecosthomus. One of my rosy barbs apears to not be able to stay "down" in the water. It is constantly struggling to "sink", at times completely vertical in the water. All of my water conditions are where they are supposed to be. I really have never heard of anything like this, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. Should I be worried, or is this some sort of problem that should pass after a few hours? Thanks.

probably has a swimming bladder disorder... or it may be in poor condition you may have a low PH in your tank or it may be suffering from poisoning or may just have a terminal disease. Or it may just be constipated. feed it some live blood worms if thats the case

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