Rosey Barbs


Fish Herder
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Alabama, USA
My mom is a second grade teacher at school and she has an 20 US Gallon aquarium. The students like the tank and are always watching it, so I want to get her some good, healthy, active fish. I bought her 2 Rosey Barbs about 2 years ago and they are still living and very healthy. Its time to get more fish for the tank and the only thing in there now is the 2 Rosey Barbs and a baby Pleco. Any suggestions on what to put in the tank now?

rosy barbs get to 6"...don't they seem really big in a 20 gallon tank? also, what kind of pleco is it? if it is a common, then it will get over a foot long...she should consider completly restocking the tank...i would go with some male guppies and cories maybe
abstract said:
rosy barbs get to 6"...don't they seem really big in a 20 gallon tank? also, what kind of pleco is it? if it is a common, then it will get over a foot long...she should consider completly restocking the tank...i would go with some male guppies and cories maybe

I dont know how big they are, I havent seem them in a while. The pleco is a common and I plan on moving it as well. I didnt get the Pleco, she got it at the LFS when I wasnt with her. They told her she needed one and she didnt know. It will be fine for a while, its still pretty small. Ive seen common plecos in fish stores that easily reach a foot long. Cool to look at, but dont belong in a aquarium...
i agree about the common there any way she would trade in the rosy barbs? she could get some smaller tetras (black phantom, rummynose, serpae) instead of the barbs...and then a school of cory cats for the bottom...and still have room for maybe a pair of dwarf gouramis or something like that
Yeah, I considered doing that as well...I just gotta talk her into it, she loves those Rosey Barbs, seeing as how she has had them for a long time..
Barracuda518 said:
Yeah, I considered doing that as well...I just gotta talk her into it, she loves those Rosey Barbs, seeing as how she has had them for a long time..

yea i completely understand how that goes...assuming you move the pleco and keep the rosey barbs (also assuming they are only 3-4" hopefully), a school of cory cats on the bottom would still work out - they are active and playful and the kids are sure to like them
Well I just got off the phone with her and she said that the fish in there are only 1-1/2 inches. These arent the fish I bought a while back. I know she has had them for at least 2 years, but she says its 3 years. They are a redish color and have have black tips on thier fins. Any idea what type of fish these may be? She does the up-keep for the tank and does a pretty good job so I dont see this tank that often. And that common Pleco I said was a baby, well that isnt true either, he is a good 4 1/2 inches, so Im going to get him tommorrow and put him in a bigger tank.

I not even sure these fish are Barbs at all. I think they are Tetras...Maybe Red Serpae Tetras?
yea my first guess was serpae tetras (actually one of the suggestion i had for your tank, so that is good!)

the other thing they could be is a Cherry Barb , bur probably not

this is a serpae tetra which is what it probably is...

if that is the case, i would have a school of 5 serpae tetras...4 cories...and a pair of dwarf gouramis :thumbs:
Yeah that sounds good. I know its not a Cherry Barb, since they dont develop their redish coloring until they mature some. After looking at that picture of the serpae tetra, im almost certain thats what it is after listening to the way she described it. I saw a picture on another website, but it wasnt as good as the one you showed me.

Thanks for all you help
abstract said:
Barracuda518 said:
Thanks for all you help
anytime! let us know how it works out and what she decides

Ill do it..I actually just went to this pet store that ive been going into a lot lately to how they take care of their fish and see how knowledgeable they are. I talked to the person today who is over all the fish stuff and asked him some questions to see if he knew what he was talking about and he seemed to. Anyways, he's going to let me trade those Pleco's that I have and some Gouramis I need to find a new home for. I think he noticed that I kept coming in there and looking at the fish and he knew I was serious. I just think its great that I wont have to buy the fish for my mom's tank now, I can just trade.

btw, are you familiar with Clown Pleco's? what is your opinion on them?


it's great to hear that you can trade them in for credit - that is a sign of a good fish shop.

as for clown plecos, i have one in my planted tank...they are really reclusive and you won't see much of them unless they are in groups (and even then you may not see them!) they absolutely need driftwood in their diet to aid in digestion and this wood should be changed every 6 months to a year (or so i've heard)...they really aren't effective algae eaters per se....

you would be much better off with a bristlenose pleco if you can find one...they only grow to 4-5" max, are more outgoing, and the bristles on their face are amusing...

Bristlenose Pleco

:thumbs: glad you are doing your research ahead of time, good to see
Yeah, the Bristlenose is the one I want, but he didnt have any and he had some of the clown plecos and didnt know anything about them. He told me that he can order me a Bristlenose, so I guess Ill wait. Seems like a lot of people on this site like the Bristlenose, so I guess its worth the wait.

How is the temperment of the Bristlenose as he grows? and are the poop machines like the other ones?

There are some fish that I know a lot about and there are some like plecos, loaches, and catfish that Im trying to learn about. Im glad I found this site.

bristlenoses CAN be slightly aggressive (or should i say territorial) but not to the point of killing another fish or anything - just kind of like "i'm boss get out of my area" type thing lol ...i think it is def. worth the wait they are great fish...

and when it comes to plecos ALL of them are poop machines...however, the fact that it stays fairly small makes it less of a problem than say a 12" common pleco

i'll be out of here for the day in 15 minutes and don't have internet at the new apartment for a week or so, so if you have any last minute questions ask now or you'll have to wait 15 hours ;) ..
Nope, I dont have anymore questions. Thanks for all your help. Ill keep you updated on the plecos..


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