Roseline Sharks?


Fish Addict
Apr 27, 2006
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Do :D es anyone have these? They are at my LFS. like the title says.. roseline sharks.
Does anyon3e have these? They are at my LFS.

Any what? (ie No pics)

I've never had a big enough tank but, they are very popular amongst planted tank keepers. They look great, especially in a deep tank with lots of driftwood, moss and bolbitis (and large powerhead!). Peaceful schoolers that usually won't even pick on the smallest neons. Great for community tanks that can handle something larger.
Does anyon3e have these? They are at my LFS.

Any what? (ie No pics)

I've never had a big enough tank but, they are very popular amongst planted tank keepers. They look great, especially in a deep tank with lots of driftwood, moss and bolbitis (and large powerhead!). Peaceful schoolers that usually won't even pick on the smallest neons. Great for community tanks that can handle something larger.
wow them nice fish!!!!!
they are also known as Red line torpedo barbs and Puntius denisonii.

I have them and they are a wonderful community fish. They dont bother any of the other fish and are very lovely. However, they can be jumpers so make sure your lid is on tight!
If you search the forum for "torpedo" or "denisonii" you'll find a lot of threads about them. Quite a few members have them.
They grow to about 6inches and need at least a 55gal tank (they also need to be in groups of 6+), although the dimensions of the tank are more important than anything else, the are so active they would probably thrive better in a 75gal+.
mm I would be adding them to a 55 gallon. :/ do they 100% needa current? and why?
What are the dimensions of the tank? Because it is the absolute minimum amount of gallons advised for these fish, the length and width of the tank are very important (height is not such an important factor as these are active fish that do best in long and wide tanks rather than tall ones).
Powerful filtration is important, particually in smaller tanks for these fish, as the stronger current will help excercise them more in the limited space they have.
it is 4'W x 13" x 16"H

:/ I can always add a powerhead.. but I have 2 aquaclears (the ones for 30-70 gallons on each side of it)

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