Rose hope at petsmarts


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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We went to buy some cat food for the girls at petsmart last night and thne we went to look at the kittens. They had tons , some of hem they actually rescued from a flattened car, they had the mom and her 6 babies They seem to really care about the animals. Then they were talking about how stores dont care for kittens and my dad told them about the store we got Emma from and how it is shifty, then one of thge ladies told us they are trying toi shut him down because he sells people kittens with aids and lukeimia and breeds the mother of them so they will get more kittens!

They said that they test all their cats and foster home them so they know that the cats dont have distemper. They saids we should try there when we get our next kittens.

Do any of yall have experiances with them?

Also, how many weeks should you wait till the distemper disease clears up in my house and we could get another kitten? My dad forgot to ask, and the vet didn't give a really specific answer.
As far as I know with dogs if a dog gets distemper it's just about doomed. We had an outbreak of distemper at the shelter where I work once, and about 7 dogs got it and only one survived. Normally there's a vaccine.
Feline distemper is easily transmissable and direct contact is not needed. It is totally different from canine distemper. The cat or kitten can be contagious for several months after the symptoms have cleared up. kittens and uninnoculated cats can pick up the disease from clothes the owner is wearing, transfer of fleas etc.
If you decide to take another cat into your home choose one that has already had its vaccinations. Also be sure to wash your hands and change your clothes before handling other kittens (eg the ones in the petstore)
I know all that stuff. I was just wondering how long it takes the disease to clear up, or go away from a hosue that once had an innfected cat.

I know that my cats wont get it as they had their shots, so they are fine, and we disinfected and gor rid of most things that emma was on, but things like the couch and all couldnt be bleached or gotten rid of.
According to some sources it can survive in the living quarters for up to a year and is resistant to many disinfectants.

I have never had a kitten or cat with distemper so have no personal experience with this.

As for the petstore you originally mentioned, sadly their attitude does not surprise me. It is just as bad as the people who let their females out, unspayed, and have no idea who the father of the kittens is.

It seems great care is taken with breeding pedigrees but what about moggies? surely if you want to breed moggies the same love and care should go into that. Of course, theres no money in it so they don't bother.
I have always wanted one of the fancey types, bbut the one ones locally are persians, and they cost $500 each.
My family bred cats for years. Birmans and Persians. They were lovely but my heart lies with moggies.
Feline distemper, like canine distemper, is better being cleared up by washing everything that had contact with the sick cat with clorox or any other really strong detergent. It's better to just vaccinate the kitten before getting it home.
I know my boyfriend had a dog with distemper more than a year ago and he got another puppy. The puppy ended up dying from the same thing a week later. It doesn't go away on it's own. You have to clean it up really good.
oh, a domestic cat. Any who, how would I clean the sofa and the bed rooms and all of that stuff?

I know that the kittens get their first set of shots at the rose hope thing, but would they need the distemper booster shot nbefore I brought it home. I was thinking about getting one in late August prehaps.
If you fancy a particular breed of cat I would google for their rescue groups in your area. That way you could save a cat, get the breed you want and also they would be innoculated.
If the rescue group you choose doesn't have a cat to suit your needs they will hold your records on file.
These breed specific groups will also be able to give you a lot of information on the breed and the donation would be a lot less than the $500 charged by a breeder for a kitten.

If you really want a kitten then I would consult either your vet or your local rescue group to see what product they use and find one that is suitable for your needs. The rescue centre must have to use strong disinfectants and they would know what to do and how long to wait.

Post pics of your new pet whenever you get her/him and once again sorry for your loss.
I know that in the clinic I work at we use a product called A-33 to clean towels, floors, counters or anything else that came into contact with a distemper dog. I havent seen a cat with that disease yet but I'm sure its the same thing. We usually spray it and let it sit for a day and then just spray it again the next day and wipe it off (for hard surfaces). For towels, we spray them and let them sit there for a while. That would be the same for sofas and bedrooms.
I know that feline and canine distemper are diffrent, so I dont think the dog stuff would be the same for the cats.

I know that emma's disease was called panlukopedia, if that helps.

Rose hope is our local rescue group, btw

Anyways, you need a vet net to get animals from them, but my vet wouldnt give us one if we asked, as her doesnt believe in places like those, he would prefer we get an animal from a person, and then bring in to him and test it, as he thinks that would be better. thank God there are other vets though, and he is not our main one.

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