

Fish Addict
Nov 22, 2005
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south wales uk
hi. im wanting to get a ropefish and have another unstoked 60. will this comfortably house a rope fish, i know its something like 55 gallon minimum but also some people say that for oscars.
what are the dimensions of the tank?
ropefish are going to reach 30+" and need to be in groups (at least 3) as they are gregarious.
does the tank have a tight fitting lid, preferbly with glass covers?
ropefish are well known for being escape artists.
48 is good, 16 is not ideal but acceptable IMHO.
I'd say go for it.
my three are in 48x18x24 and are still small (around 8")
as I've said they are gregarious and 3 would be the minimum to keep.
you tank will be ok for three now but not three adults, I'm doubting my 82g is suitable for three adults.
are you sure there gregarious? wont a single adult be ok with say birchir?
just a thought.....
I kept one in a 55g by itself and it was fine, until it got out one day :X
I think a 55g is ok for a ropefish because they can get to 3', but will usually only get to a little more than half of that in captivity, plus, they aren't shaped like a normal fish and are usually curled up, so a 48"x12" tank won't hamper their movements much :)

Another good thing about ropefish is that they stay relatively thin (as compared to bichirs) and can be kept with smaller fish than their cousins :D
my 3 reedfish are quite happy in their 61/2 foot tank.they are great characters and definately like to be kept as a group :nod:
but will usually only get to a little more than half of that in captivity

Ive raised mine from about 4 inches and now as adults they are pushing 21 inches. Theyre even still growing, slowly but surely. In my opinion a 75 gallon (US gallons) is bare minimum. I keep mine in a 100 gallon tank and I still think its not big enough. Also just my opinion, even if the fish is tubular like ropefish, eels, dragon gobies, ect ect they still should have a tank that would allow them to turn around without touching the walls. (ie no ropefish in a 12.5 inch width 55 gallon aquarium)
dang, i just saw dome rope's in my local retailer and thought hmmmm they look kewl, but i have a 27 (uk) gallon tank and im now thinking that they are going to be getting to big for my tank...... how fast do they grow??

I have one rope fish on it's own in my 100 UK gal. It seems to be okay, I don't know the specific diet, atm it eats white bait and prawns but what does every1 else feed theirs? I would be happy to get another rope fish but I hardly see them.
im in cambs and the garden center in huntingdon has a few (great place for fish and very well kept i must say), i was chatting to the chaps there, and they sayed that they will eat live food, frozen and pellets but rarly. I was also told that they will eat anything that they can get in there mouth and from what i read this seems to e true. but alas im thinking my tank is as full as i think is nice if that makes sence, its not over crowded and they all have there space so will have to leave the ropefish for now :(, tis me a shame as i like my strange fish..

hope this helps ringham

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