Ropefish, reedfish, snakefish...


Aug 25, 2003
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Just saw a couple of these at the LFS and became fascinated with them. I've done a bit of research but keep finding conflicting information. Perhaps you could help me out here?

1. What size do they grow to? I've seen numbers from 40cm (16in) to 90cm (36in) and don't know what to believe.

2. I've also read both that they should be kept alone and that they can be kept in groups. Which is correct?

3. Again, conflicting info on minimum tank size. What would you recommend?

4. Any suggestions for what kinds of fish they go well with?
what you are talking about I tink are 2 different fish.

rope/reed fish can grow to about 40cm but rarely attain there, max size. they usually grow to around 1' .

they would need a tank of around 48x15x15 when fully grown.

I believe they do better in small groups rather than on there own.

the other fish, the snakehead is a much more agressive fish and many specise of snakehead can grow to 36" or more while some stay a lot smaller. these need a tank at least 6x3x2 or preferably 8x3x2 and just don't stop growing. any tank mates need to be very hardy and must be large.

the reed fish, ropefish is probably the best and most practical option.

heres a photo of each just to make sure I'v got the right ones.

reed fish

and snakehead-cute baby fish like the ones you see at the lfs


big ugly adult your left with after a year or two :eek:



ste :)
Thanks for the reply. :) It's the rope/reed fish I saw. Heh, I only knew the Finnish name for it to start with and found so many English names for it on the net that I really couldn't tell which was the right one.

*sigh* I suppose that with a minimum tank size like that I won't be getting them any time soon. I need a bigger place first. ;)
ropefish go good with silver dollars, swordtails, other ropefish, platys, and black skirt tetras. but then again that could just be mine and mine could be that way only because he hides all the time :) . I have mine in a 55 gallon(US) corner tank and he seems to be doing fine, but i would recomend you have some caves because that may make it not want to mess with the other fish :) .
my roommate had a ropefish in his 75 gallon. it definately adds a cool look to the tank BUT keep in mind that it is a predatory fish by nature, so you may notice a few of your smaller fish disappear. it ate a few ottos and 1 or 2 neons. if you keep its appetite satisfied then it won't go after your fish. and it is a good escape artist. if you get one make sure you have the back of your tank covered!

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