Ropefish Fussy, Just Wont Eat.


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa
I have a pair of ropefish, that just wont eat.

Wont take minnows, and wont take frozen bloodworm.

Been a week now.

No tank mates, and lovely hiding place for them, just like the doctor ordered.

What else can I try?

And where can I get it locally?
hello mate

I nevr had thi problem cos mine fed straihgt away and cos of the way they are i thought they werethe easiest oddballs tokeep

mine predominantly eat catfish pellets and also take bts of frozen prawn and also frozen brine and bloodworm

good luck they may just need to settle, make sure there is no escape holes as they are the best escape artists
If they're well settled, ropefish will eat almost anything. They certainly don't need live foods, and for reasons explained in my pinned topic in the Predators section, you shouldn't be using minnows much, if at all.

Ropefish feed primarily on insect larvae and worms, so wet-frozen or live versions of those will work well. Small pieces of seafood are also taken, including mussels, prawns, squid, etc. But when using seafood, you need to be thinking about thiaminase content; mussels and prawns contain a lot, while cockles and squid contain less. So while mussels and prawns are inexpensive and readily taken, for the long-term health of your fish, they shouldn't be used for more than, say, half the meals the fish eats per week.

Ropefish don't compete well with other bottom-feeding fish such as catfish, and they're also rather shy and nocturnal. It's important that they're kept in an environment and allowed to feed in their preferred way.

Cheers, Neale
If you have space more ropefish could be the answer.

I had 1 alone and it was rarely seen and never did well, I now have 4 and they are active, bold and have no problem competing with my raphael catfish for food.

I've found that they will even take flake and are really greedy versatile fish.

Give them some time to settle and keep trying with sinking pellets and bloodworm.
Thanks guys,

Have a pair, will monitor them.

Do you have a link to your Predator feeding post?

Much appreciated


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