Ropefish Compatability


New Member
Dec 10, 2006
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Looking at starting up a new tank with 2 ropefish, some angelfish, some gouramis, and a few types of pleco.
Pretty sure the Angels and Gouramis will be big enough not to be eaten for the time being, and from what I understand, nothing really likes the taste of plecos.

My concern is other fish nipping at the rope fish, I've heard both that angels are territorial and are agressive and that they are comunity fish.

Not a Noob Forever,

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Worth a shot. There's no reason ropefish and angels won't get along. Your main problem is feeding the ropefishes such that the angels and catfish don't hog the food. Obviously, juvenile angelfish might be eaten by a large, hungry ropefish. But adults of both should be fine.

In terms of nipping, the thing to do is ensure you have more than one ropefish (they like company) and then that the ropefish have somewhere safe to retreat to. They won't swim around much during the day, especially not if the tank is filled with more active fish.


I agree wit Neale here. Theat tank should be fine.

One thing though, I don't know if you know, but ropefish are notorious esape artists. Just make sure you have a nice tight fitting lid and htta all holes are blocked up. They can aqueeze through the tiniest of places. Other thsn that I say go for it. It sounds like it would be a good tank!!! :good:

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