Rope Fish


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
ohio, united states
Is tehre any reason a rope fish would not do well with my bichir dempsy and parrot? All the specs on them seem to match up well and I think it would fill out the tank nicely. I could probably only get away with one because of my other fish. Although I can probly go over stocking rules a bit the tank is double filterd and the 2 bichirs and rope fish are not bulky.
It's a terrible idea.

Ropefish are gregarious and very peaceful. They are easily bullied (e.g., by cichlids) and when stressed simply won't eat. They are also great escape artists and need a tank designed around their needs. When wedged into a rough-and-tumble community they usually do poorly, ending up starved or escaping.

Keep two or more specimens in a shallow aquarium with lots of shade, preferably floating plants. Be sure to plug up any gaps in the hood with netting or filter wool. Water chemistry isn't critical. Good tankmates are smallish fish that don't compete for food, e.g., bleeding heart tetras, gouramis.

Cheers, Neale

Is tehre any reason a rope fish would not do well with my bichir dempsy and parrot? All the specs on them seem to match up well and I think it would fill out the tank nicely. I could probably only get away with one because of my other fish. Although I can probly go over stocking rules a bit the tank is double filterd and the 2 bichirs and rope fish are not bulky.

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