Rope fish


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
Just got back from my lfs with the new set of lights for the cichlid tank. While I was there I was looking around (naturally :rolleyes: ) and I saw some rope fish, like snakes - about a foot long - tiny tiny barbs at the side of their mouths. Anyone got any info on them - are they suitable for a community tank. The lfs told me yes, but I prefer to check here with the experts :)
hi gadazobe, i have a small artical in one of my fish books,
they like water temps around 82f, they will eat small fish such as neons,
but live peacably with larger fish, they it is one of the weakly electric fish. oh and it is a good escape artist so make sure the tank is sealed, it also has a lung and can live out of water for up to 8 hours,
they will eat blood worm tubiflex oh and small fish, :rolleyes: hope this helps a bit, :) some one will probably be able to give you more info on them.
No, you about summed it up slt, they're gr8 fish, real characters but as slt said, they can escape from almost anywhere. I was at a store in Leicestershire last year and wondered why a Ropefish was in with some Cardinal Tetras, only for the assistant to point out that he was meant to be in a tank about ten feet away!! They were down a few Cardinals as well. Should do well with anything not too small but also not too agressive. :)
yes you can get one, also they will live in groups,
Well, I was looking for something different for my community tank and I think I've found it. Off to lfs tomorrow to get a couple :rolleyes:
oooo now look i'm interested in them, :rolleyes: no no i can't well not untill i get another tank, theres always so many different fish i keep seen,
sheesh if only i had more room, lol :lol:
Of course you've got room for 1 more itsy bitsy teeny weeny little fish. :D And if there's no room in the tank, well then, what about the bath :hyper: :hyper: :lol: :lol:
lol :lol: oooo don't tempt me, *mmmm never thought of that *
hehe yes would hold quite a few lol :lol:
Just think about it - no more having to lug the buckets of water and instant drainage :D :lol: :hyper: :hyper:
:D :D nope i'll stick to tanks :lol: i'm hoping to get a 6ft one but ughh have to wait now till after xmas, did you get a cam gad ?? looking forward to seen your fish, :thumbs:
No - haven't got a cam yet, had to get a new lighting system for the cichlid tank and new flourescents for the community. Also bought a betta for the community tank. All in all spent close on £100 so the cam will have to wait a couple of months until I square up my credit card. :(
yes i read your post on failed lights, ughhh its always the money thing
wish i could win the damn lotto, lol :lol: your tanks sound realy brill, :rolleyes:

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