Rope Fish

It depends on how big the tank is. If its under a meter, i woudent do it. Because ropefish look so unlike anything elce, theyre not considered a threat so many cichlids will leave them alone. But if the ropefish eat any eggs, the parents will see them as a thret as seriously damage them
the 55 gal long should be fine. Just keep an eye on how the cichlids act. Also, try to buy 2 ropefish as they like being with their own kind.
Sorry to hijack! :blush:

But regarding this comment:

Because ropefish look so unlike anything elce, theyre not considered a threat so many cichlids will leave them alone.

I was just wondering what sort of cichlids this applies to? Of course assuming they are in a large enough tank... Is this only certain types? E.g. would Malawis/Tanganyikans tolerate them? Or only other types?

Would this then also apply to Polypterus species, and indeed aquatic caecilians?

Sorry for all the Q's, ropefish and polypterus are particular favourites of mine! Planning for the massive tank i'll day...when I win the lottery... :lol:
In my personal experience, the Jewel Cichlid (Hemichromis bimaculatus) is an 'iffy' proposition at best as a tank-mate for polypterids. Jewels are notoriously territorial, especially when they're 'in the mood' and anything that ventures into their chosen breeding area is a candidate for a sound thrashing. They'll take on much larger fish in defense of their breeding grounds, eggs and fry. While I have kept larger 'kribensis'-type cichlids (Pelvicachromis and related genera) with bichirs on occasion, they're nowhere near as vile and foul-tempered as an irate male H. bimaculatus. Of course...if you're talking about one of the larger species of Hemichromis...they're every bit as nasty (in general) as Jewel Cichlids but in a larger package which gives them a greater ability to do damage.

Rope fish are pretty sweet, don't they like a meatier diet though.

Popov can you put your tanks in your tank list in your profile, thanks. :good:

Like all polypterids, Rope Fish (Erpetoichthys calabaricus) are strictly carnivorous and prefer 'meaty' foods. Mine get a varied diet of frozen bloodworms (their favorite), small pieces of 'krill' or shrimp, small pieces of frozen silversides, Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets, appropriately-sized live earthworms, occasional live 'ghost shrimp' and occasional pieces of frozen beef heart. They will also eagerly consume any fish that they can catch and swallow but I won't feed mine live fish because of the risk of introducing diseases and/or parasites.


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