Rope Fish Information


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Just looking for some information on these fish from folks that have them.
I'd like to get some eventually to put in to my 125gal tank, but not sure what sort of fish they'd be compatable with.
Obviously none that are small enough to get eaten, but what about clown loaches, BGK, tiger barbs?

Would one be ok on its own for a bit before getting more? I've only ever seen the LFS have 2 at the most at any given time so I'm sure it would take a while to get more.

Oh and there are cories in the tank. None of the cory are very small, but I'm not sure how small is too small for tankmates.
I'd like to get some eventually to put in to my 125gal tank, but not sure what sort of fish they'd be compatable with.
All sorts of things. Average adult length is about 30-40 cm, they're peaceful, nocturnal, and feed on meaty foods at night. So bad choices would be loaches and catfish likely to steal food, or tankmates so tiny they're bite-sized.

Obviously none that are small enough to get eaten, but what about clown loaches, BGK, tiger barbs?
Wouldn't be my suggestions. Loaches would steal all the food. Knifefish possibly, but you'd have to be really careful about feeding both species as they're both quite fussy, difficult feeders. Tiger barbs, no, not ever -- far too nippy! Rainbowfish, larger danios, angelfish, gouramis, etc. would all make good choices. If you're going for a habitat look, then something like West African dwarf cichlids, Ctenopoma and Congo tetras would work.

Would one be ok on its own for a bit before getting more? I've only ever seen the LFS have 2 at the most at any given time so I'm sure it would take a while to get more.
They are social and it's worth keeping a group. Singletons often fail to thrive. Would at least get the two, and add more once you're comfortable with the species.

Oh and there are cories in the tank. None of the cory are very small, but I'm not sure how small is too small for tankmates.
Corydoras are fine in terms of personality, if not bite-sized, but you will have to make sure that everyone gets enough to eat. Corydoras aren't as pushy as loaches and most other catfish, but even so, I wouldn't recommend the combination until you'd got the ropefish feeding well. At the very least, be sure to supply chunky foods like cockle and fish fillet (mussels and prawns sparingly, because of thiaminase) so that the ropefish will have some foods the cories can't consume.

Cheers, Neale.
Thanks for the information :)

We're not getting any right at this moment. Just planning for the future :)

Yeah my clown loaches are pretty greedy feeders. I have to feed the BGK with a turkey baster or else it wouldn't get anything.

Do you think that technique would work w/ feeding the rope fish as well?
Possibly, but I wouldn't want to recommend it. Will ultimately depend on the size of the tank, the size/number of clown loaches, how well the ropefish feed at each meal, the frequency of feeding, and how regularly you're able to use this method.

It's generally much better with ropefish to treat them like spiny eels -- keep them only with midwater or day-active fish that won't eat any food left out for them.

Cheers, Neale

Do you think that technique would work w/ feeding the rope fish as well?

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