Root Tabs


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2012
Reaction score
London Ontario Canada
In a 50 gallon, 4ft long tank, with 2 large swords, 3 small swords, 10 val, 4 large crypts how often and how many root tabs would you use. How far apart do you spread them? Sand substrate. Plants are scattered.
Yeah, one every 30cm squared area of the tank is a good rule for most tanks unless you keep 3 or more heavy root feeders within 1-2ft sqared like Amazon Swords (I'm one of these), in which case I shorten that to every 20cm square of the tank gets a tab.
It really really depends on which root tabs.

In my experience plants such as swords could easily have one tab under/close to each plant, always put the tabs close to plants otherwise there is no point. I would easily go through 6-8 in your tank but i use API
It really really depends on which root tabs.

In my experience plants such as swords could easily have one tab under/close to each plant, always put the tabs close to plants otherwise there is no point. I would easily go through 6-8 in your tank but i use API

+1 I place a tab close to any plantes with a crown or bulb {root feeding plants} I don't bother near my fast growing stems.

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