Ive got a 10gal with 6 very small neons and 2 full grown. 8 total
I was wondering if there was room to add a few cories. And of what kind.
Another thing i was wondering about was the gravel i have in that tank. It is mixed with small gravel and larger gravel. And do i need a lot of hiding places in the tank? Cause theres two small rock formations, and one plant in there now, so its pretty open.
Thanx in Advance!
I was wondering if there was room to add a few cories. And of what kind.
Another thing i was wondering about was the gravel i have in that tank. It is mixed with small gravel and larger gravel. And do i need a lot of hiding places in the tank? Cause theres two small rock formations, and one plant in there now, so its pretty open.
Thanx in Advance!