I would think that the lack of food would increase the fish's metabolism and in turn make the medication work better. Not sure but will do some more research on that subject.
IME carbon doesn't do a whole lot for filtration. It removes chemicals from the water, ie.:medications. It is what is called chemical filtration. Personally, I feel that the less chemicals the better as it creates a more natural environment for the fish. In planted tanks, carbon can take out some of the trace elements needed for healthy plant growth. With that said, I believe the reason not to use distilled water is the same because it doesn't contain trace elements that fish and plants need to prosper. I also read where too much carbon can cause oxygen depletion. We used carbon for a little while after treating for ick but noticed no difference than when we only had the sponge filter in. Now we only use the sponge and floss to make the water sparkle. This works really well.
Dylox (Trichlorofon)is an organophosphate, available as an over-the-counter preparation under such names as LifeBearer, Di!ox, Clout, Masoten and Anti-parasite. This drug is effective against protozoa, gill and body flukes, and to a lesser extent, Capillaria, but is highly stressful and potentially toxic to fish. Dylox treatment will make the fish nervous and will increase their respiration. Dylox. a neurotoxin, is very injurious to humans, and it is easily absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes. So you must be very careful not to inhale it or handle it without protective rubber gloves. Dylox is very effective, but some strains of body fluke have developed a resistance to it, so its usefulness may vary.
The major finding on treating this disease is to use a medication called mentronadizole. I have seen that over and over in my research.
Another link with info.......
I hope these help........wish someone with more experience than me would answer this one!!