Rogue Loach?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Surrey, England
Posted this question in the catfish forum by mistake the other day (oops). Thought I'd get a better response if I asked the right people! So here goes . . .
I bought three similar-sized yo-yo (Pakistani) loaches a couple of months ago. One is now much bigger than the other two and is developing a really nice looking brown spotted pattern on a yellowish background, the others have a darker well-defined 'yo-yo' pattern on white. I know there are many pattern variations among yo-yo loaches but could the larger one be a polka-dot loach? Or is its bigger size due to it being top in the pecking order? When I bought them the lfs assistant told me there were different sorts of loaches in the same tank, some which would grow larger, could she have mixed them up? Not a problem as there's plenty room in the tank, just curious. Sorry I don't have any pix.
If it were a B. Kubotai (polka-dot loach), you could easily tell the difference between it and a YoYo loach.

If you look at these pictures, you can clearly see the difference:



Hope this helps :good:

EDIT: First picture, Polka-dot is the one on top. Second picture, Polka-dot is the one in the left of the picture.
:lol: This sounds almost the same as what happened to me!

When I was a complete newbie I bought what I was told was three of the same fish - Polka Dot Loaches. After doing research and comparing pics with reality, I now know that I have one Pakistani Loach and two Polka Dots. Actully I only have one Polka Dot now :( .

My LFS messed up, even though they are normally very good and friendly. They definitely sold me two different types, as they now have in stock more of each variety and the differences are obvious.

Thanks for the replies and the pictures. After some research and comparing pictures, I think my rogue loach may be a twin-banded loach, botia rostrata. It has a spotted pattern between pairs of dark bands and behaves quite differently to the other two loaches we have. They're smaller (about 3 cm), and do come out to feed during the day but are most active when the tank lights are off, the bigger one is out and about all the time, eats loads and grew amazingly fast, it doubled in size in a couple of weeks (now about 6 cm). It's nose doesn't seem quite so pointed as the other two either.
They all 'click' excitedly when they're feeding which is really sweet.

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