Rocks - how to prefare them?

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England

I am wanting to re-decorate my 19US tank and I want to use one or 2 rocks. I found some in my garden. How do I prepare these and how do I know which are ok? I remember reading something about vinegar.

I did a search to find some info on here but it came up with too much for me to go through, but I will try whist I wait for your ever helpful responses. ;)

Hmmm I wonder if FM would mind a pm...


P.S. The fish in the tank are in my sig. My ph is usually about 7.5, should I be worried about changes made by the rocks to the water?
The vinegar test is to see if the rocks will cause a change in ph of your water. If the vinegar fizzes, the rocks should be avoided. If it doesn't they should be ok.

For preperation, just boil them for a few minutes. Nothing can survive boiling water. Remember to let them cool before adding them to your tank or the temperature of the tank will quickly rise.

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