Rocks For Oto?


Fish Crazy
Sep 1, 2011
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I read that I should keep some rocks in a glass bowl in the sunlight, to grow algae for my new Oto.
What sort of rocks to they mean?  I have some round stones from the beach, can I rinse and use those?  I realize I don't want anything with sharp edges.  Do I really have to BUY something? 
This is something new for me, not sure what I am looking for.
Thanks for any help, ideas, guidance!
Any aquarium safe rocks will do, preferably flattish ones so there's more surface area for the algae to grow on.
Put them in a bowl with some old tank water & place on a windowsill that gets good light.
I'm a huge fan of DIY projects and I am always looking for new rocks and wood for my tanks I have collected much of my rock work from the wild in streams and rivers near me I've also got rocks from fields.
Anyways what I do after I get one of these rocks is first to make sure it's not in an area that may have had chemicals sprayed on it then I take it home and clean it with hot water after that I boil the rocks or wood in a pot for 30 minutes after that I let it cool down and then put it in one of my small tanks with some guppies to make sure it's safe I have not had any fish die from the 200 or so pounds I've used of wild rock lol.
OK this helps, thank you both.
I just noticed, the Oto is resting on the decaying 10 day vacation feeder!  I was away last week (before I bought the oto) from Wed to Sun, and had put this in for the tetras.  Hmm, maybe he is going to be happy in this tank after all!
Vacation feeders are really terrible for tanks, IME. 
Fish like tetras can easily go a full week without food, and would be far better off with nothing rather than that.
Otos can also be fed fresh veggies, like zucchini, leafy greens (romaine, escarole, kale, etc.), even starchy things like sweet potatoes, peas, etc.  But never fruits.
Just put them in the same place all the time, and the fish will learn where to look.
As for the rocks, look around local streams and disinfect them by pouring boiling water over them, never boil the rocks in a pan.
Flat river rocks and some small caves for them is best. They will keep them nice and clean!

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