Rocket Gar? Anyone Got Pics Keep Them?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I;ve had a good search on here bout these fish, there are 4 for sale by me at a good price, I may get them for my tank

Does anyone have any decent pics of any they keep and advise on their experience with them?

Funnily enough I've been looking into the possibility of keeping these too,

I'm sure Dave_oddballs and Shroob keeps them,
I do have them, and funnily enough, I just wrote a piece over the weekend for Tropical Fish Finder that should go up any day now. In any event, there's a photo here of one of my specimens the day after it was purchased from Wildwoods.

Rocket gar are neither rockets nor gar. The "rocket" part of their name refers to their tendency to throw themselves around the tank (or out of the tank) when alarmed. You have been warned!

They are lunge predators, but when kept with species they can't swallow whole, are very peaceful. They are sociable and work well in groups, probably better than singly. They like strong water currents and floating plants. Do not keep with aggressive or territorial tankmates. Oddly perhaps, my specimens are working remarkably well with South American puffers; apart from the odd nip, the two species ignore each other, though the SAPs are not beyond stealing food from the Ctenolucius.

Contrary to popular belief, they are not obligate piscivores. They are easily maintained on frozen foods. My specimens were being *hand fed* seafood and lancefish within 24 hours of purchase. Use long-nose forceps though, since they're a bit leery about getting too close to your hands. As with any predator, vary the diet as much as possible, and take care to avoid offering too many thiaminase-rich foods. Similarly, don't use live feeder fish other than ones you've bred yourself, and never use minnows or goldfish, just thiaminase-free fish species such as livebearers, killis, or cichlid fry.

Mine are maintained in moderately hard, slightly basic water (a 50/50 mix of tap water and rainwater).

Once settled, they are hardy and grow rapidly. They've been in the trade for ages. I first kept one (sold as a brackish water fish!) around 1990, and according to Baensch, they were first imported in 1905. Ctenolucius hujeta is the "easy" species in the family, the Boulengerella spp. you see from time to time are bigger (sometimes MUCH bigger) and a little more delicate.

Cheers, Neale
fantastic cheers for that rsponse Neale. Very informative, I shall email the guy who is selling them and go for them if he still has them. He has 4 at 6 inches each for a very good price

My tank is reedfish proof so should be fine for these and theres about 6 inch between water surface and lid so plenty of space for them to jump for fun!!!

cheers again and if i get them I shall post some pics :good:
i only have one left, i have had 4 all together, i got two then the oscar ate one, so i re-homed the oscar, and got two more, one killed its self during tank maintenance, and the other mysteriously past away whilst i was away for a weekend?!?! still not happy about that one, i have just one female, about 7" now and a bit tubby.
i hand feed mine with lance fish and prawns and will sometimes take cockles and chunks of your common frozen foods like bloodworm and krill.
mine does feed straight from my fingers and isn't half as skittish as she used to be! she is very good friends with my pink tailed characin of around 8", i am looking into 5 more at the moment as they have them at the lfs but they are only 3-4" and wouldn't be able to go straight into the 7 foot with my bigger one as they won't last too long, im sorting out a 3 foot to grow them on in as soon as i can!
i would recommend them to you simon definitely, and you davo! absolutely brilliant fish, as neale said they are lunge predators, and true to their name like a bloody rocket, you definitely feel it if they hit your finger instead of the prawn lol.
what is our decent price? if ya don't mind me asking, i got mine for '2 for £7' deal, but have gone up now to £5 each or 2 for £9 which is still really cheap compared to most i have seen for sale. i say go for it, you will not be disappointed!
i may go pick some up next week as i am going to that fish shop to pick up hopefully 10 more cryptoheros cutteri, and am expecting 10 rotkeil severums pretty soon, will be getting pairs and selling on the rest!
hope you get them and enjoy them as much as i do!!
oh here is my female in the 7 footer

and here she is when she was in the 4 foot.

Yeah Davo86 I used to have them, they were nice fish but I traded them in when I downsized.

My experience is pretty much typical of what others have posted already - fairly easy to get onto prepared food (I had mine on pellets), can be skittish and get on well with anything too big to be eaten/nothing too boisterous.

I paid £11 pounds each for mine when they were around 7"
simon if its the ones that are 5-6" and £15 for the four then id buy them soon.... before i do! lol
you won't find any that cheap again!

look a bit thin, well compared to my tubby specimen, but nothing a bit of prawn and lancefish won't sort out!
if you don't want them let me know, the other half wants a trip to cheshire oaks anyway so could go get them.
then again its only £5 extra for four at my fish shop, not 6" though.
go get them, you won't be disappointed mate!
ha ha Dave thats them, picking them up on saturday. the guy texted me tonight saying someone else was interested

saying that I am pondering (more than just pondering) stating marines and selling my freshwaters to do it. I;m going to buy the extra equipment first if I do plan my stock then maybe go for it funding my live rock withthe sle of my current stock

I may chnage my mind but I;m thinking of the marines big time

I;m looking forward to gettng the rockets they;l liven my quiet tank up a bit
just et them mate. i want tomsay NO dont go marine! but i can't, I've contemplated it myself! you should definitely let me know if and when you want your current stocking rehoming though! hope you achieve what you want to, even if it is converting to the salty side lol!

dave, it aint an lfs it was a ad on the classifieds for the rocket gars he said he lived near elmsmere port / cheshire oaks a i put it lol.
well got these tonight all 5 and I love them already, they are a bit skinny compared to Daves in his pic but they have eaten plenty striaght away tonight.. prawn brinshrimp and bloodwrm. I can see me lovingthese
There jaws look great!!

If I do go marine which is my plan then yes my fish will be for sale although I;d sold most of my fish recently anyway lol

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