Rock Shrimp


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
SO I picked up 2 of these cute little (well, big) guys. I don't know a terribly lot about them.

First off... are these rock shrimp? They are about 1 3/4 inches at the moment.


My tank is planted... lots of hiding spots.

Do I need to worry about any special care for these guys? Food or anything?

they do indeed look like Atyopsis spinipes
Bamboo Fan Shrimp aka rock shrimp
Origin: South East Asia
Size: 8cm
Temp: 22-25C

they will feed of the microorganisums and detrius in
your tank, so there is no need for any special foods.
if they com accross a flake or pellet they will eat that too.
Atyopsis moluccensis, maybe?

i have one of them and it turns brown/grey like that when it's stressed, but is usually red
i have two of those shrimps and in my LPS they are called marble shrimp which i later found out was the same as rock/bamboo/ singapore shrimp. Anyways mine like to hide during the day and come out at night becasue they are nocturnal the also turn a reddish tint at night and are very active
Thanks guys. They get to be so pretty. I might go back and get the other 2 the store had - expensive, but worth it.
They are lovely filterfeeders indeed - and absolutely love waving their little hands in a gentle filter current.
So if possible, try and position some wood or decor under the filter outflow - where you will then get to see them most often and observe their behaviour. Else they can be quite elusive - despite their size.
Thanks Bloo. Here's my tank... I cahnged it around recently. The filter shoots through the val past the wood there, so I'll keep an eye out for them there. It's all mossy there too, so I'm sure they will love it.

Yep that looks great and sure they'd love it up there :good:
i have a pair of these "stone shrimp" as my lfs calls them. and they are great. watching them feed if loads of fun, ethey do hide mostly but i`ve seen them come out during the day aswell..
my shrimp also love the bamboo plant i bought for them so u could think bout getting a bamboo plant my lps said that the bamboo resembles their natural habitat
Today is the first day I have seen my shrimp since I put them in my tank (a week ago today) and they are chilling out in the same area, hanging onto some Val.

They have really gotten their colours.. quite beautiful really. I might go back to the store and get the other two they had.

I use dried brown oak leaves with my Atyopsis moluccensis. One or two leaves in the tank and they produce enough biomatter for my 4 shrimp and they last for weeks. Soak them for a couple of days to get any tannins out. The shrimp love them.
i got two of these thing is one is red/brown the other is green/brown any ideas? is it an indication of stress to the green/brown one?
When I first got mine , all four of them were different colours. Since then they have changed colours quite abit depending on the food supply. At first I was feeding ground up spirolina pellets and they turned green. After I switched to the oak leaves they are now a beautiful brown. Although sometimesd they are very red after molting. Long story short. I think they are fine as long as they look happy I think nothing to worry about.

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