Rock Adhesive


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I need to secure some frags, because my urchin keeps moving them around. I wanted to know what some of you use to secure rocks, frags, etc. It'll need to be something that can be used underwater, and pretty idiot proof. :blush: :lol:
Dam urchins! :fun: I use putty, (AquaNeedit) and a glob of superglue gell. I use the following method.

LR Rubble>SuperGlue>Putty<Superglue<Frag
Lol, pesky urchins indeed. Superglue gel here. No problems with it yet :D
Are there different kinds? The only super gel I found at liveaquaria says that all moisture, rust, etc. needs to be removed first. This says to me that it can't be used underwater, then.
I just bought mine from a Hardware store, I dont think there is any difference between them. That price on LiveAqua seems really steap. You could also try a local LFS or hardware store, they are generally cheaper.

I have used epoxy putty underwater before, but it isnt used as an adherant, more of a gap filler.

I read the article on Liveaqua, I dont see any instructions saying it cannot be used underwater. It does pay to clean the surface to be glued, as it mentioned.
Well, I dont use superglue gel underwater, but I do use it damp out of the water and it seems to work just fine :D
Super glue gel is actually hardened by water and can be used underwater. The water is the catalyst that makes the gel harden up.

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