RO water… may need a bigger reservoir if I’m going to do all the water changes the same day

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Have a translucent 35 gallon plastic drum… tank has to go down the basement stairs, and fit under those stairs… this tank worked great may have to either tie a couple together, or add another 1-2 and “T” off the fill line with valves to independently fill 2 or 3… especially so, when I start setting up my 250 gallon aquarium, later this year…
So today I changed out 35 gallons of RO, and 10 gallons of hard well water… the 250 is going to be a soft water tank… another option, would be to find a specialty tank, 2-3 times bigger l, and sized right, to be able to get it into position…
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I bought a small 17 gallons last week at 175$ and the same is now 435$ this week... So don't wait too long...
If they will fit and you have a car wash in your area you can probably get 55 gallon plastic drums pretty cheap as these are what their wash chemicals come in. Of course you would need to clean VERY well. Been a long time, like over 14 years, since I've dealt with a car wash as to such drums but I'd be very surprised if they even charged you $50.00 USD per drum. Seems high priced for something they want to dispose of anyway but, especially, on coastal areas these things are in pretty high demand for water storage on larger boats. Since you are not coastal you may pay much less or they may even just give them to you.

You could even use a sort of spillover system by putting, say three drums, at different height levels with the input being the highest Use float type valves such as a toilet's petcock system. When the lowest drum is to the desired level the valve float stops input to that drum and the same for the second tank and third higher drum. Shoot, if you wanted to get 'techy' you could also use a solenoid triggered by a float in the highest tank to totally shut down the input source. Actually, if you have other areas that could hold a 55 gallon drum, they don't even need to be in the same location as long as the first drum is the highest and the last drum is the lowest. Just connect the drums with plastic tubing. Except for a solenoid to shut down the RO system, gravity does all the work.

Sorry, probably more involved than wanted but my mind tends to go into overdrive when presented with a problem. ;)
Have a translucent 35 gallon plastic drum… tank has to go down the basement stairs, and fit under those stairs… this tank worked great may have to either tie a couple together, or add another 1-2 and “T” off the fill line with valves to independently fill 2 or 3… especially so, when I start setting up my 250 gallon aquarium, later this year…
So today I changed out 35 gallons of RO, and 10 gallons of hard well water… the 250 is going to be a soft water tank… another option, would be to find a specialty tank, 2-3 times bigger, and sized right, to be able to get it into position…

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