Ro Unit Tds Reading Help!


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
I have been running my ro for the big fill, been at 0 fine. The last batch around 50l came out at 4. I know its ok to use up to around 5 so i added it.

My plan was leave it running over night so thought i would check it and it was coming out at 14 ahhh! Panic on! My day couldnt get any worse.

Thought i would mess around with it so gave the ro unit a good (very good) shake. Checked and back to 0. An hour later still 0.

Any idea why and what i should do? Im worried now as need to get my tank filled! Wow im just waiting for a crack to top it all off :(
Now woke up this morning and had a nice tub full of water, it reads at 1. I added this to my tank and now the tank reads at 2.

I decided to test the good water from the unit and its back up at 14. Took it apart and flushed each part seperate. I checked after my membrane and it is coming at 94. Is that bad after the membrane? Then after the DI it went down to 4. So have shook again and now back to 0.

I bought the unit 2nd hand and thought it was fantastic whe it was running at 0. I have in total probably done around 400l max as used some for cleaning etc.

Do I need a new membrane?
Well I have ended up buying a new membrane and flow restrictor so hopefully will be ok! fingers crossed!
The resin is new. The guy who sent it to me put some new resin before he sent it! :/ thats what confuses me! He has been great and offered to pay half of the new membrane but I felt bad doing that so he is sending new Di resin for me for when this has no life left!!!

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