Ro Man 35gpd


Fish Crazy
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Just Outside Cardiff, Wales
Hey guys,
Completely forgotten which is waste on my 35gpd unit lol, all pipes were set up according to the instructions which I can't seem to find right now, so which is waste and which is RO out of green and blue!?

Cheers :)
not sure :) however the waste will be the one with more water coming out so put a glass or jug under both of them and see what one fills first (this will be the waste).

If you have a TDS meter just measure the TDS of the water coming out of both to find out which is RO.
i suppose it depends which way round you put the hoses when you knock it together. My mates is a deltec one and we had to attach all the hoses ourselves.
Spot on Ben, I know I haven't got the right coloured pipe for the RO water, but I wanted the white one (probably a woman thing :rolleyes: )

I think Barney has given the best answer to be honest, thats the only sure fire way of telling :good:
Thanks for all your help! It does seem they all come with different coloured pipes then :p think I've got it worked out, it's the blue thats RO as that's the one dripping quickly rather than a steady flow!

Thankyou all again :)

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