Rivulatus Gold Saum


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2009
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i am thinking of putting one in my tank and want to know any information on them
mainly temprement
They vary a lot in temperament. Maybe even more than most cichlids. Some are very placid with other fish, whilst others are complete psychopaths.
What size is the tank, and what are the potential tankmates ?
the tank is my new 8 x 2 x 2 and tank mates will be 2 oscars, 6 silver dollars, 2 ornate pims, 1 albino sailfin plecos
I dont think they would mix too well with the oscars. The oscars will grow way quicker than the GT and may pick on it or out compete it for food.
In contrast, I think it could well work out OK, mainly because it is a big, big tank. Give those fish and a GT that much room, and I think you should find aggression levels to be acceptably low. However, as with all cichlids, you just have to try it and see.
I agree with Hamfist - in a tank that size it could work but GTs are one of the most mixed temperments out there so just be careful :)

As said, their temprement ranges so massivley its impossible to say, their temprement is very much individual.

In a tank that size there is more then enough room for seperate territories and room for either of them to stay out of eachothers way, so i would go ahead and try it out, worse can go wrong is that you'll be chasing either of them about in a massive tank :good: :shout:
It's worth a try, particularly as you have such a huge tank.
My O and GT didn't get on, the GT was female and fairly placid with everyone else, but fought with my O to be top dog. She'd wind him up and they'd have horrible scraps. My O is a laid back chap but he HAS to be boss.

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