River Set Up


New Member
Nov 6, 2004
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The school science department has asked me to do something with their old tanks. (at least 7 with the smallest being 10g and the biggest at least 35g) I suggested that we could make a river style coldwater tank. At my disposal i have a big canister filter (from their failed marine setup) and a large 30g tank.

Does it sound like a plan?

Was thinking of having some wild minnows and sticklebacks, nothing big.

Do i need a licence to catch the fish from the school river?

Also any other advice?
A 30 (I'm guessing 29 since 30Ls are rare these days) is a bit taller than one would preffer It would be best if you could obtain a larger tank such as a 55 gallon (55 is probably the best tank because it is tall and narrow),But if you make baffles for the inside to provide areas of high flow rate then it is doable, I would suggest that you use some acrylicto make the baffles and then cover them with black expandable foam or glue rocks to them with an aquarium safe acrylic if thats not possible.

And Right away call your local department of fish and game or game management or whatever it may be in your part of the world (which area that is you havent yet mentioned but probably should) I was given the task of makeing a local wildlife tank for my school but declined to because of the clause which requires that permits be reobtained every calendar year in Alaska , so I got danios instead then platys and a puffer :thumbs: .

Good Luck to you

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