

Dec 5, 2007
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Wiltshire, UK
I posted a topic a while back (probably last month) about one of my black widows that had what looked like a cancerous growth on it and black blodges appearing on its body. I'd like to thank the ppl who responded to that thread, even if it did only tell me that no one knows what it is and what causes it.

Unfortunately my tetra's condition deteriorated over the weekend, so I put him out of his misery. Not something I like doing, but I didn't want him to suffer :(

Now I have a dilema. I don't want to get anymore tetra.. but I have one black widow left and my cardinals (those who survived my golden gouramis (grr they need a damn good lesson on how to be a peaceful fish)) and one penguin tetra. As much as I love them, I think it's time to rehome them.

So if anyone wants:

1 penguin tetra
1 Black Widow tetra
2 Cardinal tetra

PM me as these will be free to collect.
On the note of 'putting our of misery'

Can I just ask what's the most humane way to do this plz? A friend has a really sick fish and it's going to need this eventually i think!
I have 6 Black Tetra's and one of them is showing similar growths. Bottom lip looks like it has a little black bead attached to it and has a couple of black blotches. The other 5 have no marks whatsoever.

It has had it for a while tried to treat it for parasites etc and infection, but to no avail. i am sure it is heading the same way. :no:

Could you drop the other off in Canada :lol:
???? why do I keep on getting requests to send them to Canada? Is there a Wiltshire in Canada lol?

I'm sorry to hear one of your tetra are showing signs of it. I also tried everything. Anti parasite, anti fungal, anti bacterial etc. Didn't make a dent on it :( I suppose all you can do is make him comfortable.

Now see as I live in the UK and our postal service isn't exactly top notch, the fish are free to collect.

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