RIP Skinny Minnie

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May 4, 2005
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Biloxi, MS
<sighs> I was really hoping he'd live a long happy life after the terrible beginning he had. I guess whatever happened to his fin yesterday might have something to do with it. I don't know. :/

What do you guys do with your "bodies"? I was thinking of burying him in a large planter pot I have in the garden. I hate the idea of just tossing it in the trash, and I won't. Also, how do you recommend I clean his tank? I have a fish that could move into it, but I don't know if it was disease, or just a worn out body.

God bless you Skinny, I'm gonna miss your little betta "wiggle". :rip: :byebye:
I bury mine in little boxes.

And I'm sure you could clean the tank out and find another needy betta to put in it.

Sorry to hear about your fish. His last few days were as happy as his life had ever been, I'm sure. It's better than dieing on a pet shop shelf, skinny and alone.

:rip: betta boy
Awww no...
I'm so very sorry.

He did have a wonderful life with you. Short, but wonderful.
You are a saint for having done with him what you did - most anyone else would have passed him up, or worse yet, taken him home and not known what to do with him. Bless you for making his life exponentially better. In the end, he died a very happy boy, I'm sure.

RIP little boy.
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that! RIP little guy :byebye:
At least you have your memories of him and know that you made his life a wonderful one :nod:

You know, maybe Skinny Minnie had fish TB? Aamon has had it for quite some time and he is beginning to look very thin, even though he eats just fine. He has also been having problems with finrot, presumably as a side-effect of the TB.
Here's a good site with some info on it if you're interested... it may help give you answer as to why he died.
It's very possible that Skinny had TB. Poor thing :( ....... Would a thorough hot water wash of his tank be enough? Or do I need to do something more drastic?

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