Fish Herder
hi you lot
sorry about the onehanded typing, i'm recovering from a coffee table related incident
just popped on to get some sort of clue what's happened. nibbler, our l190, died last night.
a while back now, we got an l191 off lisa who displayed very similar behaviour and died suddenly, so i'm wondering what your thoughts are.
both displayed these symptoms - a few days before death looking a little bit sunken, but not thin. then their bellies got normal again before it raised any concern. neither stopped eating. water parameters fine (0,0,30), no new fish. day of death, both displayed odd behaviour - sitting at the top of the tank with their noses out of the water. last night nibbler was like this, then as i went to turn the lights off, he was on the tank floor with ned the bristlenose attempting to eat him. obviously there's very little time between them acting this way and them dying, or we'd have attempted isolation, diagnosis and treatment.
no other sick fish at all, not even other sick plecs - all the others have been in with both and not displayed these signs at all (we have a hypancistrus, a clown plec and an ancistrus in there too). no signs of bullying, nibbler was in charge of the tank.
the l191 we put down to him being so bloody tiny when lisa picked him up, and maybe being weak. this theory cannot be used for nibbler, who was 4" and had been with us a year. both were eating fine up to the day of their deaths. plenty of bogwood in the tank, courgette for extras, spirulina wafers also.
if anyone can shine any light on this we'd be ever so grateful, we're devastated - nibbler is the only reason we've kept the tank going, he was my baby.
sorry about the onehanded typing, i'm recovering from a coffee table related incident
just popped on to get some sort of clue what's happened. nibbler, our l190, died last night.
a while back now, we got an l191 off lisa who displayed very similar behaviour and died suddenly, so i'm wondering what your thoughts are.
both displayed these symptoms - a few days before death looking a little bit sunken, but not thin. then their bellies got normal again before it raised any concern. neither stopped eating. water parameters fine (0,0,30), no new fish. day of death, both displayed odd behaviour - sitting at the top of the tank with their noses out of the water. last night nibbler was like this, then as i went to turn the lights off, he was on the tank floor with ned the bristlenose attempting to eat him. obviously there's very little time between them acting this way and them dying, or we'd have attempted isolation, diagnosis and treatment.
no other sick fish at all, not even other sick plecs - all the others have been in with both and not displayed these signs at all (we have a hypancistrus, a clown plec and an ancistrus in there too). no signs of bullying, nibbler was in charge of the tank.
the l191 we put down to him being so bloody tiny when lisa picked him up, and maybe being weak. this theory cannot be used for nibbler, who was 4" and had been with us a year. both were eating fine up to the day of their deaths. plenty of bogwood in the tank, courgette for extras, spirulina wafers also.
if anyone can shine any light on this we'd be ever so grateful, we're devastated - nibbler is the only reason we've kept the tank going, he was my baby.