Rip Mistah Puff


Jun 15, 2004
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I found Mistah Puff (T. cochinchinensis) floating this morning, so I'm obviously a bit upset about him passing. But I thought I'd post a message n let people know that Mistah Puff has gone to the great Mekong River in the sky!
I don't know exactly why he died when he did, but he had seemed a little quiet for a couple of days. Obviously something *was* wrong, but there were no obvious signs of disease or anything. He had found a different place to lurk rather than his usual puff-cave hideout, which was strange but not really conclusive. But as a precaution I'd immediately performed a water change and put a little Melafix in the tank in case he was brewing something, but perhaps it was just a natural death.
When I took him home nearly three years ago he was fully grown so I have no real way of knowing how old he was. He was in a group of several puffers at the lfs, some of which looked a little beaten up (not suprisingly since they are a solitary and aggressive species), so maybe they were even wild caught? I don't know. Either way, Mistah Puff is no more and I now have rather a sad looking empty tank in my room. I keep looking over to it to see him and then I remember he's not there!
RIP Mistah Puff... you were hardcore :(
sorry for your loss :unsure:

swim free in the great rivers of puffer heaven Mistah Puff :-(
It must be a bad week for puffers this week, as Archimedes won't be seeing 2006 :(


Sorry to hear about your loss :( Will you get another puffer? I think I'm going to invest in a few more because they've got plenty of personality. :hey:
Aww poor Archimedes! Thanks for the messages folks.
I don't think I'll get puffers for a while. Mistah Puff never ate snails for whatever reason so I had to give him different sorts of crunchy foods like shellfish. So consequently I never needed a snail breeding tank. I don't want to get another T. cochinchinensis to replace him as it would be really weird to have a Mistah Puff lookalike in there! So that only really leaves snail eating species. I will definately keep puffers again, but maybe when I have more space for a really big tank so that I can get a fahaka or something like that.
His little 2ft tank will probably end up the home to a little community of fish. Not sure what yet, I need to think carefully about what I want in there.
sorry for yor loss.i lost my puffer the other day but if u had luck with a puffer you should get another get him as a baby.AKA Mistah Puff Jr.Helix almost made it to 06.


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