Rip Hero-rescue Dt


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
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Devon - UK
Here's Hero - he's nearlly 4 years old - see topic

Hero - my gorgeous Rescue boy - He's nearlly 4 and since getting him he's had lots of regrowth and gone really colourful

Over the last few days - he has refused to eat ,still pooping though (normal) and is laying around more and more - He has also lost all his colour and gone brown - like i read elderly bettas do

This morning he was laying on the floor hardly breathing , he's still laying there - he hasnt gone up for air for over an hour and half , he has hardly any breathes

I dont want to get him out as if he is dying peacefully i wouldnt want to cause him undue stress
He looks so peaceful layed there -
aww hun, sorry to hear that, 4 years is a very good age!!!
he is lucky to have such a caring Mum who has given him a happy home to live out his final months xxx
Awww, he's very pretty, I'm sorry to hear he's not doing well, hope he's peacful and not in pain, that's a good age for a betta, especially a rescue.

looking at that other thread he looks like a very strong muscley betta IMO [most males aren't even as near as strong looking as him]

I returned from a nip to the shops and he's passed away

Rip handsome boy
That is a ripe old age for a Betta, RIP little guy
thanks all -- he had a good 3 years of his life with one owner then was passed on to another one that knew little about bettas and was in a really bad way when i got him
he's had a good few months with me and really picked up - bless him he was just an old guy who had been through a lot and glad i could give him a good home the the last few months of his life

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