RIP Cherry Tiger Barb, Cause of Death???


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
20 Miles from Hell, California
I had 2 Cherry Tiger Barbs in my tank and have noticed one of them seemed to have a buoyancy problem. Been like that for a few weeks, without any outward sign of bad health or anything, so I didn't think anything of it. But he'd been having problems staying down in the tank. You know how fish just swim around, up or down to get where they wanted to go? Well, this guy was constantly struggling to stay down. It looked like if he didn't swim down he'd float all the way to the top. Really weird. Well, I found him dead last night at feeding time. Poor guy. :sad: I wonder if he finally just got worn out and gave up the good fight???

Anyone else ever see this sort of problem?

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