Rip Bonnie The Pregnant Guppy

heres some more pics from today, its really strange as she is bigger then beauty when she gave birth :S



my guppy gave birth two weeks ago at 3 in the morning!!!
i mean, of course i stayed up and watched all 15 little buggers meet the world, but it surely was tiring..i wouldnt hope that she gives birth in the may very well be in the wee hours of the morning :\

all of my fry are alive and growing though...tried putting two of them in my main tank but my honey gourami thought they were food so i had to snatch them back up again.

I hope they are big enough in another week because i have to go on spring break and id rather them be in with the others by then :-\
nope but im 80% sure it will be tonight/morning!
as shes doing what Beauty did just before she gave birth
just sitting behind the filter

so fingers crossed!
shes just in the main tank now as it worked really well with Beauty as 12 of the fry survived, so ill just have to see what happens and let nature take its course!

besides i put the fry in the breeding trap in the main tank as i was having some problems with bullying and was going to move the offender into their tank, but ill sort it out later its 1.20am lol
Thats a good idea I would jest say keep a VERY VERY VERY close eye on her now! I'm surprise they aren't here yet!
no such luck today! i was wrong!
shes still hovering near the filter, and the molly is with her to, but no babies!
are there any factors which might delay the birth?
well in science at school im top in the whole year group! and we study animals and breeding fish can be put of breeding due to stress the feeling of being prevolked by predators and alike so that could help.

P.S sorry for bad spelling my fingers are cold :blush:
well in science at school im top in the whole year group! and we study animals and breeding fish can be put of breeding due to stress the feeling of being prevolked by predators and alike so that could help.

P.S sorry for bad spelling my fingers are cold :blush:

hmm maybe the only predator as such i my tank is my shark, havent had any incidents yet though, it just keeps to its self. i hope its soon though i think shes getting restless!
well in science at school im top in the whole year group! and we study animals and breeding fish can be put of breeding due to stress the feeling of being prevolked by predators and alike so that could help.

P.S sorry for bad spelling my fingers are cold :blush:

hmm maybe the only predator as such i my tank is my shark, havent had any incidents yet though, it just keeps to its self. i hope its soon though i think shes getting restless!

god damn it mew ive told you not to put great white sharks in you tank :hyper: well seems like it not the predators maybe the delayed birth is to do with inside her body which i cannot go in to much detail about but the science guy is always here:)
lmao i know i know =[

yeah maybe, i have heard that it takes between 21-40 days

so she must just decide to take longer...psh lol
The time between drops on a guppy depend more on tank temperature during the gestation than anything else. At warm temperatures around 25 to 26C, the interval is usually about 4 weeks. If the tank has been around 22C instead, it could easily take 5 weeks. Warmer means faster growth and development which results in an earlier delivery.
The time between drops on a guppy depend more on tank temperature during the gestation than anything else. At warm temperatures around 25 to 26C, the interval is usually about 4 weeks. If the tank has been around 22C instead, it could easily take 5 weeks. Warmer means faster growth and development which results in an earlier delivery.

good advice woops i should of mentioned that :shout:

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