RIP Amigo #1


Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
It happens to all of us. We go to the lfs, pick out a cute lil fishy only for it to die the next day.

This is what happened to Amigo #1 the Schwartz Corydoras Catfish. When I brought him home with the other two Amigos he didn't seem "right". He was much quieter than the other two, staying on his own and not moving around much - I put this down to the stress of being in a new tank and left him overnight. All was going well with him until this afternoon when I went upstairs to check on them - he was laying on his side on the sand, gasping and unable to get up (because you could see he was trying to right himself but he just couldn't). I filled up a small plastic tank I have with tank water and put him in it with some general tonic & stress coat but he still couldn't right himself. I kept checking in on him every ten minutes but he was just getting worse.. I left him a little longer and when he came back up he was dead :-(

Poor Amigo #1...


Yeah, I drew a picture of him... I'm too soft for my own good.
exactly the same thing happened to me with a cory two days ago. my 1st casualty and ive only been going 3 weeks. the others are all healthy and happy though. You did your best - well done.
p.s. dont worry those who think - 3 weeks no wonder he had a casulaty - my tank is fully cycled !!! nh3 and n02 = nil. was just a weak fish
Nice picture by the way and I am sorry for your loss. I would get some more to fill ut the school a bit more
DDon't worry, my kuhli loach was fine 4 days ago, and 2 days later he was pale instead of dark brown, then 2 days later he died. (this morning) I think it was old age.
when I take Amigo #1's body down to the lfs tomorrow I'll get a replacement (and do the typical "mummy, you love me don't you???" speach to try and get another cory out of her.
Returned Amigo's corpse today along with a water sample. LFS agreed that the death was due to them selling me an ill fish and gave me two lively individuals as compensation.

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