Rio 180 Beech ... Plus Various Other Items


Fish Crazy
Dec 19, 2006
Reaction score
Plymouth UK
Equipment make/model/size: Various (See Below)
Quantity for sale: Various
Reason for Sale: No more Room
Delivery or Collection: Either.
Sales price: Various See Below
Postage & Packaging: Listed Below
Location: Plymouth

All negotiations and questions must be posted in this sales thread and NOT by PM.

Communications may only be taken to PM once the sale and price has been agreed upon on the open forum and payment/collection details need to be given.
The agreement of the time and date of collection or postage, or confirmation that items have been posted should also be posted in the thread.

Please refrain from commenting unless you are interested in more details or are interested in buying.
If you suspect any foul play, please use the report button and the moderating team will deal with all reports.

All Prices listed BELOW the photo


7 End Caps for Juwel Lighting units T8. Most new 1 or 2 used but for max 1 month. £2 + P&P £1.25


Eheim 2213 ~ Spray Bar and Insturction Manual plus Filter material avail if wanted... £25 + P&P £10


2 Feed Air Pump. £5 + P&P £2.50


NEW Juwel 200W Heater. NEVER USED. £10 + P&P £3


200W Heater Used as spare. £6.50 + P&P £3


PowerHead with LED light and air induction. 200 L/HR £5 + P&P £3


PowerHead 900 L/HR with air induction. £5 + P&P £3


Juwel Powerhead cover and attatchment originallly for a now fried 600 L/Hr juwel Powerhead £1.50 + P&P £1.50


Airpump Single Feed. 4w £3 + P&P £2.50


Powerhead 900 L/Hr £5 + P&P £3 (Two Avail one is currently in use in the tank.. i will seel this once the tank has gone if the buyer doesnt want the pump.





Juwel RIO180 Beech.. Looking for £145 Collected... I can deliver within 100 Miles but will need to be paid for diesel etc etc.
In Genereally Good Condition, But Our Daughter did decide to help clean the tank with the magnet cleaner one day and scratched some of the front..

This is the top left as you look at it. From 6feet away its unnoticable. Look at the other pics.. this will give you an idea of what I mean.

Cheers for looking.
i would be tempted on the external filter but i dont no how good they are, how do they compare to the fluval 205 ones which i have now

i do know i need another one for when i look to get a huge tank but not sure how the ehiem ones are rated,
i would be tempted on the external filter but i dont no how good they are, how do they compare to the fluval 205 ones which i have now

i do know i need another one for when i look to get a huge tank but not sure how the ehiem ones are rated,

Ive never had a fluval so i couldnt compare unfort...

In my experience I would def buy an Eheim again though!
do you have the seperate sections for the media bags etc,
£75 for THE LOT! Any Takers?

Is this serious!? I am looking to get two turtles (and a few fish for them) around the middle of September (probably baby map or yellow bellied turtles) and I'm looking for an aquarium and set up that will be big enough for them and affordable on my budget. I could take the lot off your hands tomorrow (I live in North Cornwall).

Do you think this would be suitable for my needs and provide a good atmosphere for the turtles? (I know I would need to get a basking area etc still, and that it would be quite big for them at first, but they would grow into it and hopefully be happier in a bigger tank as little'uns).

Will the filter be suitable for a tank with turtles? Is it a noisey filter?

Sorry for all the questions, especially turtle related ones! Grateful for any pointers anyway.

Apologies for this being my first post - I realise there are warnings against dealing with first-time posters who register on the day of posting in this section, but it just seems like a brilliant deal!
13 PM's and one message.....

Im sorry guys, this takes the biscuit... it just goes to show that noone wants to put any sensible offers ion anything on this forum, but when someone puts up a stupid offer like i did your ready to bite their hands off and take them for all their worth.. it says alot for this place!!

I would turn in my grave if i sold over £500 worth of gear for £75.. even £145 for the tank and stand is pretty cheap!
My apologies diet. If I had £213 to spare I'd gladly take the whole lot off you. Good luck!
Ok it needs to be gone...

£75 for THE LOT! Any Takers?

13 PM's and one message.....

Im sorry guys, this takes the biscuit... it just goes to show that noone wants to put any sensible offers ion anything on this forum, but when someone puts up a stupid offer like i did your ready to bite their hands off and take them for all their worth.. it says alot for this place!!

I would turn in my grave if i sold over £500 worth of gear for £75.. even £145 for the tank and stand is pretty cheap!

You posted a reduced price. You got takers on the reduced price. You are complaining because you now have buyers? This is the disclaimer for "this place". Nobody can be held responsible for the action of posting a greatly reduced price, and the correspondence received due to this but yourself.

I've personally seen deals such as what you offered, and gotten better than what you offered. I've also sold items that cheaply, or plain given them away to make room.

Yes, if you continually bump a sale, and post a greatly reduced price people will jump at it. You did want to sell these items, didn't you?

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