Rineloricaria Fallax


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
SO i have one in my 55 gallon. hes very peaceful and is almost full grown. he has a very impressive "whip" nearly 1.5 inches long. i read that they like groups...i was thinking i dont have enough room for a group then what about a mate for him. i know how to sex them and can get one for 10 bucks. anybody have any experience? i would want them to "hang out" as seen in pics of groups of them. thanks
Male Rineloricaria can be pretty feisty, but in a 55 gallon tank I really can't imagine that you'd get bullying with fish this small. So definitely worth the risk.

I have a Rineloricaria ?parva in one tank that is only about 3 or 4 inches long, but his whip is easily 2.5 inches long! Whiptails are great fish, especially in tanks with a sandy substrate, where you'll sometimes see them do their natural thing of burying into the sand. As I understand it, these are fish of open, sandy substrates where they live under leaf litter. There are some giant species that even change colour!

Cheers, Neale
Yea deff. His tank has sand and gravel that meet in the middle. I always see him burried. Very cool plecos and I think ill pick up another today

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