Riley, Clamped?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I think Riley is clamped and I can't figure out any reason for it.  He looks normal for color, scales, size.  He is eating and pooping normally, his water is changed regularly (50% once a week, was changed 3 days ago).  His swimming is about normal, but might be napping a slight bit more.

I will take a picture in a few minutes so you can tell me if he is clamping or not.  His fins do look differently than when I got them... they used to be even.  He did (some time ago) get some fins ripped by the filter (which has been made safe and it never happened again) and where it ripped it grew back differently and unevenly.
When did you purchase him and how long have you had him? What's the temperature in the tank? Have you changed anything recently?
First, here are the pictures I just took... it is hard to get him to the front of the tank as when my camera focuses a red light reflects at the back of the tank so he heads straight there!  And figures... this must be the first time I've ever taken pictures where his color has shown up and he didn't just look pink!

I wanted to add this one too, just makes me feel better that he is still himself.  Every time I start taking pictures he has always liked to go behind something (ornament, plant) and peekaboo then swim throw almost like he is saying "taaadaaa it's me!"

Ninjouzata said:
When did you purchase him and how long have you had him? What's the temperature in the tank? Have you changed anything recently?
He is not new.  I got him May 29, 2013.  I got him online from a breeder and he wasn't yet full grown at the time.  He hasn't had many health issues at all, he had black spots starting that I panicked about but just turned out to be part of his coloring, he tore his fins that one time and it healed without a problem, and some weeks back he got a scratch or something on his eye but that healed in 3 or 4 days.  Otherwise, he has been the healthiest fish I've ever had.
His water temperature is 82.  I did change his plants, or some of them, last week.  I removed some very mangled looking hygrophila and replaced it with amazon sword.  I didn't disturb the water much.  I did a water change the day I changed the plants (which were rinsed) and then again 3 days ago.

And it is sort of the back or his tail that looks clamped to me.
Just for peace of mind I would check for ammonia, as well as nitrate.  
It happened in my Betta tank just a while ago, that the cycle was somehow lost in the filter, and I must have had quite a bit of Ammonia in there. I didn't know it at the time and checked after a few water changes. It was quite a surprise, since I hadn't had any problems with my filters for years.
I have just finished testing and ammonia and nitrite are at 0, so that's not it.  I don't know why I didn't think of testing that before posting, but it is fine anyway.  I think I will change his water anyway just to make myself feel better.  I do like to live by "when in doubt change the water".
Update:  Mystery identified.  I couldn't see it yesterday, but this morning I could see in just the right light that the same spot on his eye is coming back.  So, that will be easily treated and he will be back to himself shortly.  I will just start 50% water changes every two days for this week and it should clear up nicely.
So glad that you were able to identify something that was "off" for him because as far as I could tell (from your pics and info given) there was nothing to make him swim around clamped up.
Out of curiosity, what color is the spot?
He is still a little clamped today but he is unclamping often.  It is more when he rests that he is looking a bit clamped still.  I also added a touch of salt to help him heal.
The spot is sort of greyish.  It is barely visible at all this time around and I only saw it because I was knelt down on the floor looking up at him in the tank rather than straight on.
I forgot to update.  Riley is fully well and napping like a normal betta now, no clamping.
So glad to hear he's better!

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