Right I've Decided What I Want To Put In My Tank..


New Member
Nov 6, 2007
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Finally come to a decision as to what i'm gonna put in my 30 gallon...Bristlenose Plec!! I have chose this fish due to them being easy to keep and being virtually inexpensive, i love the way they look and seems to be the absolute perfect fish for me to begin with. Would a pair be okay in a 30 gal? Also could somebody let me know what sort of setup they need and what i need to do to give them the absolutely perfect environment. I wanna do it right, i've had pretty bad luck with pets in the past so i just want this time to be different. I've had a recent string of extremely bad luck regarding my pets so here's hoping if i get everything right this time things could hopefully change. Cheers, Liam.
Is it a 30 gal long? Bristlenose should be in an environment with a good sized floor littered with hiding places/decor.

I'm sure they would fit, except if you're planning to have them breed, be sure to keep in mind that they are large waste producers.

For a bristlenose's habitat, I'd suggest driftwood/bogwood (If you can get the ones which will make a nice little cave) Otherwise, be sure to provide them with lots of hiding places. Once in a while, be sure to feed them blanched vegetables such as zuchini. A planted tank is reccommended.

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