Right! I Give Up


Fish Addict
Aug 28, 2008
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i have had enough with my JD i loved him at first and he went and killed my salvini this mornin he has to go the female convict is going anyway but i would like some suggestions for what large cichlid i could put in as a solo tank i was thinkin texas cichlid

any ideas will be appreciated
mate thats a bummer thats 1 sexy jd too id be inclined to just house the jd on its own if you part with it you may regret it . especially with it being a particularly good looking 1 . how about a pair of thorictys ellioti? very much like firemouths only a hell of a lot sexier I actually tried to get some of these but lfs let me down . or ( now maybe im a bit biased here lol ) severum!!!!!!!!
Well clearly I would say Texas, but thats just me :D However, Im with everyone else, why not just keep the JD on his own. In all honesty, that size tank probably is big enough for life for a Texas, but having seen mine grow rapidly and already in that size tank, Im thinking he's gonna have to be upgraded (again) before long, they can reach 12" (male) and you would never ever be able to even contemplate putting another fish in with it. Its a very limiting fish, lovely, but deadly!
If you dead set against getting rid of the jack dempsey then what about a vieja bifa,your mates, there super sexy, i had to get rid of mine, my friend has it in a solo tank, its so funny to watch it getting stressed when you put a glass next to the tank, very social fish, but do not poke fingers in tank :lol:
Wouldn't recommend a biffa for a 40"x18" tank, bit too small imo.

Female texas you could probably get away with. I also think Herichthys carpintis grows smaller than H. cyanoguttatus.
na ill let ma mate sell hsi vieja i want a texas i have always liked them its just i never thought of getting one bcz of me having the JD but he killed my salvini which i liked so that made my mind up i alread have a place who will have him so i will get a texas instead and have him on is own also hw fast do they grow you said minx yours grows huge
Dont get the texas until you have removed the other fish, convict AND plecs, plecs wont stand a chance when it grows either, I know, I tried two with mine a while back and he mullered them, I had to move them pretty quick.

They grow on par with an Oscar, so your talking up to an 1" a month, mine Ive had for 7/8months (ish) and he is 8", was only 1.5" when I got him, so pretty quick, they are relatively ok until they hit the 6" point then they suddenley turn nasty. Although saying that, mine killed his bag mate he was shipped in when he was only 1.5".

Females are less aggressive, but you wont know if you have a male or female if you get it from young.
ok wel the jd and con will go tmz and then i will wait untill i sell my cons then put a bn in there and one in my 15gal for the time being them when all is well i will re-scape my tank with rocks then get a texas :) :D
Keep the JD on his own, or with the plecs as he doesnt bother them.

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