Rid The Algee


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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hi there i had green brown algee on the inside of my tank and on my rocks... i clean it off two days later its back. i have no plants in my tank or nothink just rocks. the water parametter is as perfect as it should be i need help please any think i can do?????
i got an old credit card and scraped it of (very tiring, but don't give up until you clean it all of) and if there's some on the rocks just leave it there cuase it looks cool, but don't worry the next step is gonna SLOWLY get the algae off the rocks.
STEP TWO: dose the correct amount of flourish excel which is used to add co2 to your tank to SLOWLY get the algae problem cleared up.

but if the algae makes the water murky you can just let it sink to the bottom but i'm fussy about the clearness of my water so i stuck my spare filter in and the two filters working together worked a charm, but if you don't have a spare filter you could try a vaccum...

cheers, Eric.
yes i have cichlids in there. been in there bout a month. the tanks been set up about 3-4months. its the bornw stuff that gose on the plants and tank walls comes off easy but its an eye sour lol
Brown algae is pretty common in new tanks. It's actually not algae in the pure sense but diatoms. Everything I have read points to high levels of silicates as the source. Silicates are leeched from the silisone that seals the joints of glass tanks but is also present in our substrates. The problem will usually pass on it's on after the food source is gone or dimenished. Also, you can usually up the lighting and get rid of it. The down side to more lighting is that it can lead to other types of algae.

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