The fish (Barbus pentazona rhomocellatus), is one of the four recognised sub species of Barbus pentazona, the others being B.p. pentazona, B.p. partipentazona and B.p. hexazona.
As far as keeping them, all subspecies have the same requirements. They are more sensitive then Tiger Barbs to poor water, so water quality is paramount. Soft acidic water suits them better, but they will survive in harder alkali water, although they will never be at their best. It is likely your lfs, if it is close by, has them in tap water so if they are surviving their, they should survive in your tank.
They tavel badly. When adding them, keep the lights out, and as low a stress level as possible for a couple of days. They are easily stressed so should be kept in quiet tanks without boistrous others. I wouldn't keep them with Tiger Barbs for example, but other small barbs, yes. Best kept in groups of 6 or more.
Once settled, they are easy enough to keep and feed. Breeding requires very good conditions, low pH and a very low hardness if the eggs are to hatch.