Rhino plec.


Fish Herder
Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
Hi there....

We'll i've been looking for quite some time for a plec. for my 65 gal.
We'll i was at my Ifs today and spotted a lowly 3 inch "rhino pleco"...He was a qicked lookin thing and i almost bought him...but had thoughts of some plec that gets 12' long :D ...So i stopped myself and thought some research was in order...i checked planet catfish but not much info on there about them...has anyone ever had one before...maybe some info like max. size / diet etc...and would he be ok with my current tank inhabitants..?

Thnx for all the help .. :)
Glyptoperichthys scrophus - also known as the chocolate pleco.

A peruvian armoured catfish. Grows up to 27cm (10¾ins). Here's an article I found on someone's site:

Being a river fish by nature, this fish enjoys well oxygenated water and fast currents. Like all plecos, the Rhino is nocturnal and more active at night. This fish must have lots of room, as he can be territorial with other plecos, including his own kind. The Rhino is normally a good community fish, but if kept in crowded conditions will fight for his rightful space by charging at any fish that invades his "personal space".
Though relatively easy to keep, this fish gets nearly a foot in length. A minimum of 30 gallons is recommended, however, the tank dimensions are more important. The depth of the tank should be over 12" to allow this fish plenty of room to turn around. The Rhino will also need a place to hide during during the day. The fins of the fish are quite large and delicate, therefore, fin nipping tank mates should be avoided. To help keep your Rhinos fins at their fullest potential, avoid rough or sharp decorations in the tank. This fish does well with either pebble or sand substrate. I prefer a pebble substrate becuase the fish will ingest some of the sand while grazing.
The Rhino Pleco is an Omnivore. He'll eat nearly anything. Although, my experience has shown their tastes to be rather picky. Driftwood is a must. Below is a list of foods your pleco may like:

Algae wafers
Shrimp pellets
Romaine lettuce (NOT Iceburg)
Live blood worms
Fresh chopped earthworms

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