Rhadinocentrus Ornatus


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Hudson, Wisconsin USA
I'm really curious what these guys will look like. I'm picking them up tomorrow from another hobbiest. Tomorrow I am also getting rid of my male boeseamis :-( . I will miss them dearly. I'm limited on space and they are much too large and pushy for all the little fish I want to work on breeding. I do hope somewhere down the road, I have the room to buy some really nice ones to breed.

So yeah, the Rhadinocentrus Ornatus will take the place of the boeseamis. And will be something for me to try breeding until I get my other rainbows groups ready :D .
I'm really curious what these guys will look like. I'm picking them up tomorrow from another hobbiest. Tomorrow I am also getting rid of my male boeseamis :-( . I will miss them dearly. I'm limited on space and they are much too large and pushy for all the little fish I want to work on breeding. I do hope somewhere down the road, I have the room to buy some really nice ones to breed.

So yeah, the Rhadinocentrus Ornatus will take the place of the boeseamis. And will be something for me to try breeding until I get my other rainbows groups ready :D .

Rhad's can be absolutely stunning in a planted tank. Too bad about the Boesmani's though.
I hope they do look nice! Was kinda worried that they would be dull. I'm getting 8 of them and they are about 1.5-2" long. Going in my planted show tank for now. Any idea if they can be nippy towards other rainbows like gertrudae and werneri?

Yeah I will definetly miss the boeseami's. They are only store bought fish, but are still really pretty. The show tank is in a daycare too, so come Monday the kids will probably asking where they went. Also the first egg laying fish I've ever bred and raised. Hatched 40-50 eggs to start with, managed to raise only 5 to 2" long :p . I wouldn't call it sucessful, but IMO a good result for my 1st ever attempt at egg laying fish.

Once I'm out of collage(I'm a month into my freshmen year :p ) and have the room and stuff. I definetly want to get some nice wild or German bred boeseami to breed. Till then I'm sticking with lots of small fish.
It would be extremely hard to get wild fish. I have a source that has some that are just a few generations from wild. I ordered 12 Lacustris from him and they are hands down the best I have ever seen. Best part is that even with shipping I still got them for less than I could buy them in a LFS.

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