Revolving Door Betta


New Member
Nov 9, 2005
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One of my bettas Finneus (my oldest betta) has had the most revolving door life that I've ever seen in a betta. His story started when I originally decided I wanted one of those peace lily vase betta things. D'oh.

When I got to buying the betta, there was only a single pathetic blue VT at my local petco. One cup left on the shelf so I grabbed him. After getting tired of the roots in the vase rotting in the water on, I moved Finneus into a 1 gallon bowl on my desk at work. After a time, I moved him into a 1 gallon Aquaview (still on my desk). Then I decided to move him into a regular 2.5 gallon still on my desk at work.

Eventually I added a second betta (in a separate tank of course) on my desk at work...and it got too crowded, so Finneus came home and was added to a 10 gallon community tank. He was happy as a clam and nice as can be to the other fish. Eventually that tank started leaking (couple weeks or months later), so I had to move everybody out. Finneus went back into his original 1 gallon bowl and the community residents were moved into a 55 gallon community tank. To make a long story slightly shorter, I moved the other fish into a 25 gallon tank after one got eaten in the 55 gallon.

Finneus was SO DEPRESSED in his 1 gallon bowl. Lying on the gravel on the bottom depressed. Ate a pellet here and there but just was Mr droopy fins over this all. before yesterday....I took the zebra danios out of the 25 gallon and put Finneus in there instead. He was just thrilled. He missed his friends. He was trying to school with the dwarf platies tonight. He even joins the crowd of dwarf platies, corydoras and cherry barbs to beg for food when I come into the room. He will swim alongside the other fish and they all even bump into each other at feeding time.

He has had more tank changes of any fish I have ever had! And he is the nicest most gentle Betta ever. I never would have picked him if he wasn't the last betta left on the shelf. His fins are all funky and his coloring is really bland. But his personality is great.
Yeah, that little guy I have in my 5g tank is my first betta, and he's got "permanent finrot" -- no matter how healthy he is, his fins are always gnarly, and he wiggles when he swims, and he's a dull red all over with a silver chin. Hardly a prize winner, but he's got the most personality of any betta I've had, yet.

Course, he's not as nice as your guy.

He may only wiggle when he swims, but he's a little demon. :D
Good to hear he's happy again. :)

Same goes for my Sakda though personality wise, he's just pure red with a silver chin and has the most gnarled fins I've ever had on a betta, but his personality is just amazing.
hehe! lively!

my betta Bruce has been similar!
he started off in a community in the LFS
brought him home, and he lived in a 2 gallon bowl, then moved to a 5 gallon hex which then got shared by neons and cories, too crowded, so then to a 4 gallon acrylic tank, now he's in a 7 gallon tank with the cories because Boo, my other betta, was trying to eat them, so they had a tank swap!
One of my bettas Finneus (my oldest betta) has had the most revolving door life that I've ever seen in a betta. His story started when I originally decided I wanted one of those peace lily vase betta things. D'oh.

When I got to buying the betta, there was only a single pathetic blue VT at my local petco. One cup left on the shelf so I grabbed him. After getting tired of the roots in the vase rotting in the water on, I moved Finneus into a 1 gallon bowl on my desk at work. After a time, I moved him into a 1 gallon Aquaview (still on my desk). Then I decided to move him into a regular 2.5 gallon still on my desk at work.

Eventually I added a second betta (in a separate tank of course) on my desk at work...and it got too crowded, so Finneus came home and was added to a 10 gallon community tank. He was happy as a clam and nice as can be to the other fish. Eventually that tank started leaking (couple weeks or months later), so I had to move everybody out. Finneus went back into his original 1 gallon bowl and the community residents were moved into a 55 gallon community tank. To make a long story slightly shorter, I moved the other fish into a 25 gallon tank after one got eaten in the 55 gallon.

Finneus was SO DEPRESSED in his 1 gallon bowl. Lying on the gravel on the bottom depressed. Ate a pellet here and there but just was Mr droopy fins over this all. before yesterday....I took the zebra danios out of the 25 gallon and put Finneus in there instead. He was just thrilled. He missed his friends. He was trying to school with the dwarf platies tonight. He even joins the crowd of dwarf platies, corydoras and cherry barbs to beg for food when I come into the room. He will swim alongside the other fish and they all even bump into each other at feeding time.

He has had more tank changes of any fish I have ever had! And he is the nicest most gentle Betta ever. I never would have picked him if he wasn't the last betta left on the shelf. His fins are all funky and his coloring is really bland. But his personality is great.

Hy no piccy's of him ?

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