Fish Fanatic
Well, I've finally started my 10 gallon nano tank (10 gallons is the maximum I'm allowed where I live). The current setup:
10 gallon rectangular tank
2" sugar sized aragonite sand
15 pounds of fully cured fiji live rock from an LFS 40 minutes away: put it in last night
1.025 SG dechorinated newark tap water: I can't afford an RO unit... however I have no problem keeping FW inverts, so hopefully copper is low enough that it doesn't matter; if I can't keep corals, then what happens, happens
2 200gph pump/powerheads, 1 152 gph pump/powerhead: the 200gphers I got specifically for this tank, the 152 gph I usually use for my uv sterilizer (kind of in there for the heck of it now)
1 air driven sponge filter: to clear up silty water; from my old fry tank
28 watt power compact 50/50 bulb
50 watt heater
No skimmer: [URL="http
Currently the water is pretty cloudy with silt from the sand, however it started to rapidly become clearer now that the sponge filter is in there (still not picture worthy though). Once I get back to my room, I'm going to do the ole ammonia/nitrite/nitrate testing.
10 gallon rectangular tank
2" sugar sized aragonite sand
15 pounds of fully cured fiji live rock from an LFS 40 minutes away: put it in last night
1.025 SG dechorinated newark tap water: I can't afford an RO unit... however I have no problem keeping FW inverts, so hopefully copper is low enough that it doesn't matter; if I can't keep corals, then what happens, happens
2 200gph pump/powerheads, 1 152 gph pump/powerhead: the 200gphers I got specifically for this tank, the 152 gph I usually use for my uv sterilizer (kind of in there for the heck of it now)
1 air driven sponge filter: to clear up silty water; from my old fry tank
28 watt power compact 50/50 bulb
50 watt heater
No skimmer: [URL="http

Currently the water is pretty cloudy with silt from the sand, however it started to rapidly become clearer now that the sponge filter is in there (still not picture worthy though). Once I get back to my room, I'm going to do the ole ammonia/nitrite/nitrate testing.