Review And Rating

Ace Of Spades

Fish Gatherer
Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
I wondered if we could get a section where websites selling aquatic goods are reviewed and commented on by users.

Like ahve a thread for each shop e.g



then once someone has used them they can review them, as there are many topics asking about online aquarium shops, thought this would make it easier....

Sorry for spelling mistakes, im typing with a blistered thumb :(
Sounds a very good idea, an online Fish store directory to go with the UK and US based directories :good:
I wouldn't personally. People have reviewed companies on the site I mod at and I've had those same companies threatening legal action soon after...
I wouldn't personally. People have reviewed companies on the site I mod at and I've had those same companies threatening legal action soon after...

I think that this is the great fear. But, I want to know, then, how some of the other forums seemingly get away with it so easily? For example, every golf forum I occasionally read has a very extensive equipment section. On more than one, the equipment section is the most popular part of the forum (versus a swing advice section and a general golf talk section). Usually, people are sharing positive reviews about their new driver or whatever, but sometimes there are just plain ugly reviews. Sometimes people just have a really rotten experience with a club, with a company, with a shop, etc. But, I never see these taken down...

And, it's not just the golf forums. Lots of forums have reviews of products sections. Car forums usually have plenty of reviews. Pat care forums usually have reviews of products. Shoot, there are forums out there that are nothing but reviews -- like the Consumer Prodcuts forum and the Angry Consumer forum.

So, I just don't get what the problem is. You moderate it intelligently. If someone has a real problem, you let them post it. If they are just badmouthing the company you delete the post. Make the people have a good reason for a negative review, not just get online to badmouth something. You state at the top that the reviews section is only for person reviews. No professional reviews, no reviews by anyone "in the biz" etc. You make people have to give reasons for their opinions, not just "It sucks!" or "It's awesome!" And, you also state that the reviews are only the opinion of the poster, not the forum nor its moderators nor its moderators' mothers etc. etc. in all the necessary legalize.

Like has been said, there are reviews in the discussion section and many other sections -- I just don't see what the harm is in having a dedicated reviews section.

But, this has been brought up before, and ultimately it is William's board, so he can run it as he pleases.
anyone can threaten legal action, heck i could walk out my front door now and threaten the first passer-by who looks at me with legal action, don't neccessarily mean a whole lot, loads of forums i use review and rate equipment
I wouldn't personally. People have reviewed companies on the site I mod at and I've had those same companies threatening legal action soon after...

I think that this is the great fear. But, I want to know, then, how some of the other forums seemingly get away with it so easily? For example, every golf forum I occasionally read has a very extensive equipment section. On more than one, the equipment section is the most popular part of the forum (versus a swing advice section and a general golf talk section). Usually, people are sharing positive reviews about their new driver or whatever, but sometimes there are just plain ugly reviews. Sometimes people just have a really rotten experience with a club, with a company, with a shop, etc. But, I never see these taken down...

And, it's not just the golf forums. Lots of forums have reviews of products sections. Car forums usually have plenty of reviews. Pat care forums usually have reviews of products. Shoot, there are forums out there that are nothing but reviews -- like the Consumer Prodcuts forum and the Angry Consumer forum.

So, I just don't get what the problem is. You moderate it intelligently. If someone has a real problem, you let them post it. If they are just badmouthing the company you delete the post. Make the people have a good reason for a negative review, not just get online to badmouth something. You state at the top that the reviews section is only for person reviews. No professional reviews, no reviews by anyone "in the biz" etc. You make people have to give reasons for their opinions, not just "It sucks!" or "It's awesome!" And, you also state that the reviews are only the opinion of the poster, not the forum nor its moderators nor its moderators' mothers etc. etc. in all the necessary legalize.

Like has been said, there are reviews in the discussion section and many other sections -- I just don't see what the harm is in having a dedicated reviews section.

But, this has been brought up before, and ultimately it is William's board, so he can run it as he pleases.

Wow, Didn't exspect that :D, I totally agree with everything you said there as I am part of fishing forums aswell and they have equipment review etc which is also one of the more popular sections, especially in Fishing where a new reel is released regularly :D

Thanks for all your input people
You could easily make it "sue-proof" be ensuring it is pointed out clearly they are the views of the individual poster and making sure the posts refer to personal experience of using the product. Simple moderation to prevent "This lfs just wants to kill fish so you buy more" posts staying too long and there is no way someone could successfully sue you.

As I recall, there was one case where a very litigious person threatened legal action but didn't actually get anywhere with it managed to make one scared person shut down that part of the forum and the rest of fish forums have been running scared since.

Apparently the law suits go pretty much nowhere, but it still costs tall dollars to defend against them. This is something the admin & mods want to steer clear of.
I understand the fear, Tolak, and I knew of the situation you linked to.

Nevertheless, my question remains, how do other forums get away with it, then? I guarantee that the marketing people at Titleist don't want me saying something like that their new driver was a really bad fit for me. That I hit the ball 20 yards shorter with it, that the grip was slippery, and the that shaft felt floppy. But, people can post something like that on the golf forums just fine (and people do all the time).

If it is that litigious out there, how can newspapers print movie and car reviews? I am sure that MGM and Universal and Disney and etc. don't want the Des Moines Register telling people that their latest flick opening this weekend is terrible -- but the papers do print negative reviews all the time. For that matter, how can Consumer Reports as a magazine still be in business? They test all sorts of things from cars to refrigerators to softball bats to pet foods, and they rank them from best to worst. No manufacturer wants to be known as the worst -- why aren't they suing Consumer Reports?

While there is a threat of lawsuits, they should be dismissed pretty easily, with the correct disclaimers and wording and moderation. And, if someone should sue and the suit be dismissed, you turn around and sue them for the legal fees you have to endure defending yourself against frivolous lawsuits. It isn't the best system, but it can be made to work in your favor if you play by the rules.

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