Reverse undergravel filter and sand...?


Jan 21, 2005
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Oxted, Surrey, England

I could have kicked myself. I just got all my sand put down and all the plants planted when I had a brainwave. Not sure if it would work or not, but I just wanted to bounce it off some other people.

Would it be beneficial for the plants/keep the sand from becoming anaerobic/act as a filter if I attached a powerhead to a length of hose and spirralled it around the bottom of the tank under the sand. I would plug up one end of the hose with silicone or similar, and then puncture lots of tiny holes in it with a pin or little drill. Would that then work as a RUGF?
Problem would be the sand being in suspension in the water colum getting into the filter-Anne
Thats like a UGJ - but in a proper UGJ you have rigid pipe under your substrate with a number of outlets that are above the level of the substrate. This causes a water flow and stops the poop from collecting on the substrate. By using a prefilter on the power head all the poop gets collected and as such you have a nice clean tank.
Adding CO2 to the water will not reduce the Oxygen content. I don't think it will work.
You might get some reduction in oxygen content if the water for the RUGF comes straight from your filter, but I doubt it will be enough.

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