Returning to the hobby


New Member
Mar 2, 2022
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Midwest USA
Hello! I am a 21 year old woman with about 10 years experience keeping fish, though very much a beginner.
I have no fish of my own right now but I have purchased (just yesterday!) everything I need to start a new tank.
Bettas are my main love, though this time I’m interested in keeping fish other than bettas too.
Hi & welcome to TFF... :)
Once you've got your tank with fish in it, some pics to show would be appreciated. Take your time to get your tank cycled first...
Hi Magsie,

Like you, I have about 10 years of simple fishkeeping experience and I love my easy tanks.

I assume you were hoping to have us chime in with suggestions for other fish to keep WITH a betta.

I have two 9 gallon bow fronts, live plants, filtered and heated, each with a betta and three nerite snails. While I have considered adding additional fish, a few cardinal tetras perhaps, my tanks are a bit small for additional fish so I ended up going all in for the snails and I gotta say I love those little buggers! Nerites help keep the tank clean of algae but I find them interesting little characters. If you have at least a 10 gallon tank, and are looking for a more active, showy animal, I might suggest a mystery snail. They don't eat algae so you do need to regularly feed them but they will provide you with a new facet of aquarium keeping without the added stress of having a betta with other fish in a tank.
Hi Magsie,

Like you, I have about 10 years of simple fishkeeping experience and I love my easy tanks.

I assume you were hoping to have us chime in with suggestions for other fish to keep WITH a betta.

I have two 9 gallon bow fronts, live plants, filtered and heated, each with a betta and three nerite snails. While I have considered adding additional fish, a few cardinal tetras perhaps, my tanks are a bit small for additional fish so I ended up going all in for the snails and I gotta say I love those little buggers! Nerites help keep the tank clean of algae but I find them interesting little characters. If you have at least a 10 gallon tank, and are looking for a more active, showy animal, I might suggest a mystery snail. They don't eat algae so you do need to regularly feed them but they will provide you with a new facet of aquarium keeping without the added stress of having a betta with other fish in a tank.
Thanks for the information! I personally wouldn’t keep anything but snails with a betta, so thanks for the information on the snails! I like the idea of nerites because they don’t reproduce in freshwater. Seems like a good thing, considering the tanks I’ve had with big snail problems!

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