Return Of The Mac(ros)


Jun 20, 2008
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South Staffordshire UK
Little so and sos! Just when we thought we had lost all 4 of them (1 for definite, stinking corspe removed) 1 of them pops it's head up a week later! Now I know that some of you are saying "yeah, shrimp do like to hid" but these little 'fellas' never did! They used to wander around the tank in full view, taking on all comers (including my kuhli loaches if they tried to nick their dinner!). Then we had a bit of a mess up, increased TPN+ dosing (up from 5mls a day to 9mls a day) and a massive replant (to fit in new plants) and 1 of them dead and the rest apparantly gone. Searched the tank, poking amongst the plants (carefully), lifting out the bog wood, overturning coconut caves, no sign of them. So we declared them dead, and ordered 15 caradina multidenta (as you do. lol) to fill the gap left in our lives (soppy so and sos we are).

Then today, about 1 week later, out pops one of the little &*^%s! Bold as brass and goes for a nice wander across the front of the tank! Now we have to hope that they don't decide to turn the amanos into sushi! They are fine with cherry shrimp (including the young) in our tank, so fingers crossed. The one that has appeared is a female (smaller claws) so she should be fine, but of the other 2 still missing at least 1 of them is a male, complete with his lovely big claws. lol

The moral of the tale: 1) Don't use high doses of TPN+ in tanks with slightly more sensitive shrimp, 2) Don't declare them dead unless you have seen their cold dead stinky bodies!!

Oh and one last thing, I'll be wanting a definite ID on the little things once I can get a decent pic of one. They were in a tank labled freshwater shrimp (oh so descriptive) when I purchased them, and I went by the pics of ring hand clawed shrimp on snailshop that are identified as macrobrachium assamensis, but they don't look like the assamensis I have seen on other sites at all.

Right, here are some pics of the female (the males have the typical claws where the females have much smaller claws): -





They look kind of like giant tiger shrimp with big claws. lol. Oh and they aren't as blue as they look in those pics, I had to use the flash as the camera refused to get the exposure right otherwise.

Hi Ade. How big are these guys? I like the look of them - i've only ever kept filter shrimp, and i'd like to have something with little claws too. Love the thread title by the way :lol:
She is about 2.5-3 inches long, the males tend to be bigger though with bigger claws as well, not to mentione a bigger attitude problem. lol. They are very fussy though, that female has gone back into hiding just because I did a small water change, she will probably come out just before I do another one.... lol

They are great shrimp though, as before they decided to vanish they were almost always out and about, usually hunting for food. Hopefully they reappear again soon (nope, no shrimp bodies in the area of the tank that I can find, so they haven't 'walked').

I have finally been able to get a proper ID on these shrimp, and they are in fact Macrobrachium Lanchesteri, often sold in germany as glass shrimp (although this is a completely different shrimp species in the UK. lol).


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